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berkeley, california
collector and creator
Recent Activity
inspired by...
~the altar in my art shack~ ~my garden's gifts~ ~layer one: with flora blowley~ ~picking up a pen~ ~playing with wax in courtney cerruti's class~ ~jess greene's work~ ~mati's paints~ ~and more wax~ ~autumn's fruit~ ~tail of the yak displays~ ~printmaking with susan schwake @teahouse studio~ ~stephanie's wall~ ~the harvest moon~ made in a recent printmaking class since returning from an incredibly inspiring weeklong retreat at Big Sur~ matrilumina~ I have made it a priority to endulge in more community based art endeavors~ such as this printmaking class, a wax collage workshop and flora's online painting course. and it feels... Continue reading
Posted Oct 2, 2012 at elkemay
autumn arrives...
~bringing an air of nostalgia~ ~and endings~ ~a sense of solitude~ ~and the potential for magic~ ~under the harvest moon~ Continue reading
Posted Sep 29, 2012 at elkemay
a gathering of beautiful souls on a sacred piece of land giving ourselves permission to be free to embrace growth while honoring where we have been to be seen to be held allowing the mystery of our paths to unfold with grace while bravely stepping into new ways of being to be nourished by the earth cleansed by the sea to share our stories: hopes, fears & dreams to practice gratitude to be given tools to receive daily reminders that each of us have something precious to offer that we are so deeply loved that it serves us best to... Continue reading
Posted Aug 22, 2012 at elkemay
a summer roadtrip...
~through a magical kingdom~ ~with windows in all the right hues~ ~roaming free~ ~through old spaces~ ~lit from within~ ~abundant~ ~with room to grow~ ~over golden hills~ ~to the sea~ ~breathing the salty cold~ ~set ablaze~ ~off kilter~ ~safe~ ~a path~ ~timeless~ ~treasures~ ~to go~ ~tools of the trade~ ~priceless~ ~fill me up~ ~let's go~ ~and be~ Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2012 at elkemay
second date
~pizza n wine~ ~vanilla soft serve~ August Break inspired by the amazingly delightful, sparkling, inspiring and truly lovable Susannah Conway summer: feeling light, carefree and open to possiblites. Continue reading
Posted Aug 1, 2012 at elkemay
the magic that is summer...
~savoring peaches~ ~quiet moments: journal by flora bowley~ ~at my table~ ~sweetly dreaming~ ~in my pages~ ~colors exploding~ ~ ~on my doorstep~ ~and at the market~ ~lazy mornings~ ~fridays at the teahouse~ ~preparing for the magic~ ~of stories shared: susannah conway~ ~while plants are blooming~ ~like new friendships~ ~with ones who have depth, warmth, wisdom and open hearts~ *** all of this.... ~reminds me to see, feel, understand or otherwise have faith in~ visual journal entry 071312 Continue reading
Posted Jul 15, 2012 at elkemay
You ladies are otherworldly and on FIRE! So in awe of the magical goodness you create.... xoxoxo
The Soulstorm Intensive
Before I launched SouLodge this time last year, I had the pleasure of meeting Maya Corrine, of Urban Organica, at Squam Art Workshops, to sit in circle in my Medicine Shawl class. Her language was otherworldly, and when I discovered that she'd been taking visionaries like me (someone with a fi...
on a summer day...
~the magic of pink and aqua~ ~estimate of the extra push above~ visual journal entry 070112 with Pa's calculation it's true it seems. sometimes you just have to push through it to get there. ~so i took to the streets, far up in the hills~ ~found sweet little houses~ ~blooming succulents~ ~a message from the Great Horned Owl~ ~secret number signs~ ~red windows and roses~ ~serenity~ ~fog in the distance~ ~a little gate~ *** and returned home with some fuel for my pages... ~to make myself happy today~ visual journal entry 070812 ~my next home~ visual journal entry 070812 ~up... Continue reading
Posted Jul 8, 2012 at elkemay
ah miss stacey... I can relate to this only too well. Stuck in a land of dark disbelief that I will find love, family and purpose in this life. You are a bright light of inspiration sweet one!
catalyst (and an opportunity to Get Naked)
image of Eight of Swords tarot card from the Druid Craft deck From the MotherPeace Tarot Guide: Trapped blocked in by a brick wall with Swords aimed to hit her. But since Swords are thoughts, she is not as trapped in the situation as she believes she is. It is her own fear holding her back f...
thank you ladies for your sweet, encouraging words~ i so deeply appreciate them!
inspiration returned...
~what lingers beneath the surface can be crippling at times~ ~and yet when the little things soothe~ ~and i'm able to allow inspiration in~ ~on a warm sweet summer day~ ~i opened the door to the forgotten art shack~ ~and built pages~ ~equal to~ ~remembering~ ~my...
inspiration returned...
~what lingers beneath the surface can be crippling at times~ ~and yet when the little things soothe~ ~and i'm able to allow inspiration in~ ~on a warm sweet summer day~ ~i opened the door to the forgotten art shack~ ~and built pages~ ~equal to~ ~remembering~ ~my search~ ~while just BEING~ ~and letting bits go~ *** with gratitude for my fridays at the teahouse studio, for a new inspiring and soulful friend~ miss mati rose and her book daring adventures in paint each of which got me back in the art shack creating this weekend. thank you... Continue reading
Posted Jun 12, 2012 at elkemay
my wings....march 30, 2012
~what happens when the path you are on disintegrates~ ~when the dream disipates~ ~and you feel alone~ ~time slowly passes~ ~and you remember your wings...broken on the ground~ Continue reading
Posted Jun 12, 2012 at elkemay
ah sweet wise pixie... i feel like i was in a grief induced coma for most of winter lodge~ so the possibilities offered in spring are bringing little rays of hope to me. Thank you for that.
I love this video~ as much as I love all your videos~ but so especially sweet to see you in front of your new pieces~ mama fox with you....
I'll be blooming with Flora at the teahouse next weekend myself!
Thank you for all you share and support...
Video: Spring SouLodge Demystified
For any of you on the fence about taking Spring Lodge, I want to tell you a little bit about the community and how supportive it is in the video below. It is a beautiful, sustainable women's community which provides us with a space to share our hearts and the gifts that have resided in our souls...
a journal on loss
~the journal~ ~every girl's dream~ ~a family: & it's my turn now~ ~the brutal manipulation of my body~ ~yielded five embryos~ ~feeling lost & alone, panic sets in~ ~and then the loss hit like a brutal storm~ ~the cold remains~ ~and me~ Continue reading
Posted Feb 26, 2012 at elkemay
restoring balance...
it's been a challenging month~ and in it's wake i've been tumbled around and left rather out of sorts. at the tail-end of it i was lucky enough to spend a day in the company of some loving, inspiring and wise women during a live SouLodge with the amazing Pixie Campbell at Teahouse Studio. Medicine for the soul indeed. ~with sacred tools~ ~we circled up~ ~and our journeys began~ ~visited by otter: woman medicine~ a gentle reminder to welcome play & stop worrying ~surrounded by love: Roslyn & Maya~ the next day i had offered to take sweet Ma in... Continue reading
Posted Feb 1, 2012 at elkemay
elkemay is now following Account Deleted
Jan 12, 2012
awww mama~ that is such wonderful news! your den seems so dreamy and full of love! xo
Major Foxy Changes
When I created this painting in 2009, Ivy Tallulah was just hatched, nursing up a storm on my front, and hanging around on my back while I launched my Etsy store and fed my creative fire with all of that juiced up mama hormone I'd experienced with Miles, but had been shy about working through th...
perfect! good work beautiful! growing light even as you are growing with child... love it.
growing light.
My family and I have spent the past several days together. Unpacking moving boxes, watching movies, eating, laughing, making space in the corners of our home. It has been a great few days. The sort of days that you might take for granted, but shouldn't. We even managed a baby bump photo shoot on...
I am so excited I can't wait! And Pixie~ there are majestic REDWOOD trees right outside the teahouse!! I love how my little offering of thanks to miss Maya of taking her out in search of her totem Elk has become woven into this magical women's event! xoxoxo Elke
TeaLodge Chat with Stefanie Renee Lindeen
I'm getting really excited for the end of the month, when I'll be holding the first live Lodge circle of the year at Teahouse Studios. There are nine spots left, so if setting the tone for your year of *spiritual creativity* in person is high on your list, then jump on in. We'll be using sha...
thank you for this honest post....very poignent
my one resolution
I'd like to be able to say that I fell gracefully into motherhood. That things come naturally for me; that this is what I was meant to do. That each day is better than the next-that this is what we've been waiting for. Truth be told, it's been a hard transition. That does not mean bad-it...
squam... definitely a life-changer, magic-maker, healer and soul shaker... i hope to be there again this fall.... thanks for sharing your sweet and honest tale.
a squam story
"The one thing I can say right now with enthusiasm and certainty is that if you're in the position to be considering attending Squam - either this fall or next year, but are on the fence for whatever reason - because you don't know anyone else going, because you're not sure it's worth the mone...
sweet Pixie~ and Lis~ I just shared this poem as well! giggling with Lis! He was such a wise beautiful soul... sending love to you and thanks!
see you soon!
At the End of the Year
At the End Of the Year The particular mind of the ocean Filling the coastline's longing With such brief harvest Of elegant, vanishing waves Is like the mind of time Opening us shapes of days. As this year draws to its end, We give thanks for the gifts it brought And how they became inlaid w...
i choose....
~love or fear~ visual journal entry 122411 *** love or fear it's your choice but love is the strongest engine of survival... *** i stumbled across this quote recently and it literally sent me flying to my journal to work out with bits of paper, glue, and pastels~ my version of reflection. ~it's your choice~ ~love or fear~ this year has been huge for me in terms of battling some big fears and learning to trust. i know that my brain chemistry~ for whatever reason~ can lead me to a dark and scary place. however, i am learning to trust... Continue reading
Posted Dec 30, 2011 at elkemay
.......creating a family~ in whatever form or fashion it may be......... i am so ready. xoxoxox
Desire-able Giveaway and Live Lodge Day
Did anyone see the Moon last night? I can't recall such a Cheshire smile in a long time, if ever. Mischievous, full of rhetorical questions, and philisophical pontifications, I felt her nudging me into the new year as I sat under her. Are you feeling the nudge to take any risks in the new year? ...
thank you all so much sweet ones~ i appreciate every comment, i read them after you enter them~ i just don't always get back to comment on them.... yes, Celia~ I will be in the winter lodge!
~trust: a word i am learning to embrace~ ~trusting that the darkness too has lessons for me~ ~trusting that the light always returns~ ~trusting my instincts to forge ahead and take on the odds that seem stacked against me~ elk journey mixed media collage on found book cover 120311...
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