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Hi Dad, Just because nobody hasn't posted anything on here for awhile, it doesn't mean we have forgotten about you. I think of you several times a day. I sure miss having you around. Mom is doing well. Vic is doing an exceptional job assisting her and I do what I can. I'm sending a big hug to you and letting you know I love you dearly. You were a fantastic dad! Ellen
To: SHARIE PAULSON Subject: Jims' Memorial Blog Sherie: I hope I spelled your name correctly this time. I have looked at the memorial blog and what a wonderful job has been done. I remember the day the NASSCO picture with Jim leaning on one knee wearing a hard hat & NASSCO jacket was taken. There was a long term good will publicity campaign going on and there was a minor problem in the "yard" that I informed Jim of over the radio. He came out of his "front office" into the yard to get my report. Kim Lee, the yard photographer was leading a group of a few local "media people" around the yard and as fortune would have it Kim & the group happened upon the relatively minor situation and asked Jim to pose for a Photo OP for the media group. Jim was in his business suit and asked to borrow my NASSCO jacket. The jackets had just been given out the day before and in order to promote pride in them throughout the yard I was wearing mine. Not wanting to appear as a "suit" he borrowed mine. He had to pull it tight in the back and tuck the bottom under but could not over come my longer sleeves. He was somewhat taken by surprise and embarrassed by the entire incident but went though with the situation with aplomb and dignity. After we exchanged back to our own jackets back told me "I was getting too fat and that he was paying me too much if I could afford to eat regularly!" I had seen most of the "older photos" on the blog but vividly remember one early morning I arrived at the house to ride to ride to work with Jim in the Toyota PU & camper and he had discovered that it had been broken into via the camper rear door & sliding window and his wallet had been stolen from the PU glove box along with other things. While he was most definitely upset over the incident he most regretted losing a particular photograph that he had of his father. Bill Stewart
1 June 2010 Sherry: I was strongly moved and distressed learning of Jim’s death. He was a dear and close friend as well as a highly respected professional contemporary. I shall miss him greatly. My heart is on the ground. I did not realize he was as ill as he really was. Over the years I got to know Jim quite well, and one thing I know absolutely about him was that he loved you deeply and completely. The Safety Profession will never be the same again. I‘m glad that I also retired and was able to keep in touch with him. Having been raised in the west I offer the following in remembrance of Jim who was always a “good citizen”. Among the plains Indians there is a different view of life. There life is judged not by good or evil, but by whether it was a life wasted or life well lived. Life is judged by whether you leave behind a story to be told around the campfire. Life is judged by whether you made journeys and traveled trails worth the following. Life is judged by whether you left behind friends and memories. In memory of James Paulson His was a life well lived. His was a road well traveled. His was a journey well taken. He was a friend well made. He is a golden memory. Please keep in touch. Hope all is well with you and yours. With warmest regards. W.H. “Bill” Stewart
Hi Dad, I've been thinking about you a lot lately. I am heading to Louisiana to hang out for a bit. Perhaps I can help mom around the house. It will be hard not seeing you there. I sure miss you alot. Love you so much!!! Ellen
Dear Mrs. Paulson; I was so sorry and shocked to hear about your husband's passing. He e-mailed me so often with helpful stories and humor, that only he could come up with. We enjoyed working with him so much on the ORLECK and Field Days, last year. He was an asset to us all. He cooked meals for the crew on the ship in our Galley, and made us laugh, till we cried. He will always be remembered as a good friend and a loyal Veteran. We shall miss him tremendously! I will turn this in to our President who will place it on our Website. Please do not hesitate to visit us anytime at the new location. Our prayers will be with you. Would you please send me your phone number? Sincerely, Connie Connie L. Buckalew/ Educational Director Sherwood Buckalew/ Curator The Volunteer Crewmembers of The USS ORLECK
I will long remember my first meeting with Jim, at NASSCO. I was sent down to San Diego to take over the investigation of that crane accident. The guy in charge was a mechanical engineer from the New Jersey office, had absolutely no experience in shipyards, knew nothing whatsoever about a ship. He did nothing for the first 3 months except gain Jim’s wrath. When I walked into Jim’s office, I could see the skepticism on Jim’s face. He asked me if I knew anything about ships and shipyards. I responded with – “I know what the pointy end is.” That caught Jim off base momentarily – just momentarily. He smiled and responded with some choice swear words I won’t repeat. Jim and I got along pretty good (no screaming arguments) the first couple weeks. We understood each other. Jim knew his job better than any Safety Manager I had ever met. That was on the top of the list of the good things I really liked about Jim. It seemed, as the days went on, that we understood each other better. Of course we had disagreements, but not all the time. I think both of us tried to get along. We witnessed some funny (comical) situations at times. Some not-so-funny. Years later, in a different situation, I was talking with a senior OSHA representative who tried to chastise me for being friendly with Jim. I didn’t accept his reasoning and told him that the reason he did not like, or care for, Jim was that Jim was smarter than the OSHA inspectors sent to NASSCO. Oops! That did not sit well. The more or longer I knew Jim increased my feelings towards him. Jim could be a rascal at times. He loved to kneedle me, in good fun of course. I handed back as much as possible, but Jim was a master at kneedling. I loved him for it – many times saying something that would set him off – and then laugh. Another thing that I adored about Jim was that he was willing to work together to resolve issues – most of the time. Of course there were times when the Scandinavian in each of us would not or could not bend. But we got past those problems. Sharie, I cannot compare the loss of my friend Jim with your loss. I would not try. I sincerely hope that you have your family support to lean on. Ted Pederson
COMMENTS ON JIM PAULSON’S OBIT The following comments are written for the Obituary Blog of James Paulson. Hereafter James will be referred to as Jim. It is written by Douglas R. Chambers and sent from his computer in digital format and is a loving commentary on the life of Jim Paulson. After receiving the telephone call from Jim’s wife Sharie about his death, I felt the loss personally. I immediately began calling Jim’s cousins in the Chambers clan that Sharie had requested of me to do. She wanted me to call the cousins they had visited, as each of their visits became a milestone within the life of Jim Paulson as well as to his wife Sharie. I knew that the subject of a get together this year was talked about from me to my cousins Max and Eddie Chambers around February of this year. We agreed at that time that it would be nice since we had not done so before. We all knew that the visit of Jim and Sharie were the catalyst that brought the Chambers clan closer together. The adventurous explanation about this will follow and reveals how Jim and Sharie came into our lives First, we give our final farewell salute to our much loved and admired cousin Jim Paulson. Our lives have all become uplifted to the better after knowing Jim and his wife Sharie. This was also the unanimous thought from the following cousins with whom I notified. I am Douglas R Chambers of Duncanville, Texas and I notified the following cousins; Eddie Chambers of Midwest City, Oklahoma; Max Chambers of Oklahoma City; Cleo Chambers the wife of Jack Chambers, of Mansfield, Missouri; Champ Hale of Shoreline, Washington. Champ Hale is the son of Stella Marie Chambers. The above were to contact their brothers and sisters since I do not have their telephone numbers. I visited Jim in the late 1980’s at their place in Oceanside California, while traveling there after our acquaintance via telephone and letters. We had a very cordial visit and my wife and I were very impressed with Jim’s get up and go attitude. I am posting these comments via digital computerized obituary for the Chambers clan for those with whom I have contacted. Most of this Chambers group are without a digital source to comment and they requested that I continue the comment for them toward the Obituary. Condolences will also be mailed from many within the Chambers relatives. A separate copy to this comments and the Obituary will be printed and mailed to those I have notified. They can mail copies to their brothers and sisters as needed. We in the Chambers clan became acquainted with Jim and Sharie Paulson in the mid 1980’s and were prompted by the following events. Jim Paulson in 1984 and at age forty-four (44) found that he was an adopted child and his adopted parents had never told him of the adoption. Jim immediately set out a goal to find all he could find about his parents and kindred. It was lucky for Jim that he had a wife that was already a very accomplished genealogist. Jim learned that his biological mother was named Velma Chambers. One living sister, Stella Marie Hale was found living in Riverside CA. and gave enough information that started many searches. Since Jim and Sharie lived in Oceanside, CA at the time he was able to visit his mother’s sister regularly. Stella Marie died in 2007 and was the last living child of James Leonard Chambers. Jim found from inquiry into the county of Wright Missouri that his mother Velma had been living in a Nursing Home and eventually was buried in Mountain Grove, Missouri in 1981. Jim found the grave and placed a grave stone on the grave. An older brother retired from the Navy named Ronnie Chambers was located in California. The Paulson’s had many visits with Ronny. He passed away in the hospital because of a stroke/heart attack in 1994. A twin to this brother, named Jerry Chambers, was located. It was discovered he had deceased in Minneapolis, Minnesota and was buried at Ft. Snead. Jim made the arrangements for the burials of both brothers. The grandparents had earlier adopted both Ronnie and Jerry Chambers. That is why they carried the Chambers name. Jim found that a sister was born and died early in childhood from an illness. Velma married William Keeling and with Jim’s birth she had a total of five children. They divorced and William Keeling died in the 1970’s and buried in Missouri. This was uncovered by the work of the Paulsons. Most siblings were found in the first few years and the last brother named Charles Covington was located in recent years. It was known that a Covington had received a son, born to Velma Chambers, while in Missouri and then the Covington’s moved west. Sharie put out a genealogy query in California every few years. The Paulsons lived in Oceanside California at this time and were in the process of moving after Jim’s retirement to Lake Charles, Louisiana. The daughter of Charles Covington made contact and clarified that her father fit the description in the report. Jim and Sharie were relieved that they had now completed the finding of all Jim’s siblings. It is my understanding that the Covington daughter had visited them twice in Louisiana. Jim and Sharie had now completed their hunt successfully and they were elated at finding his siblings. During this time they went on to meet the cousins, children of Velma’s siblings. Jim learned from Stella Marie about there being five older brothers in the family of James Leonard Chambers. The brothers were all born in or around Mountain Grove, Missouri. The brothers were all deceased before 1979. The children born from these brothers were then cousins to Jim. Jim and Sharie began the search for some of the cousins as suggested to by Stella Marie. Jim was always a man well met and had no trouble getting the pictures of all the folks and the visitation underway to complete his learning cycle. Jim found his mother’s sister Stella Marie, was married to a Hale. They found the two boys of Stella Marie Hale in Washington and the third one in Riverside California. They had information that led to visits over the incoming years. Jack Chambers had inherited the pictures, letters and the family bible of James Leonard Chambers. Jack gave these to Jim Paulson for further inquiry. This is the story of how Jim and Sharie came to be known within the Chambers clan with his mother being a Chambers from birth. Jim and Sharie came looking and hunting for all information available and, as the saying goes, they did not leave a stone unturned. They were gracious in meeting everyone and enjoyable to be around. This is our farewell to James whom we affectionately called Jim. Jim portrayed great strength in living his life. We join with you Sharie and your children in sharing that remembrance. We all saw that strength in him and that helped us in many ways view our own life in a more positive view. What a contribution. Thank you, Jim. Written by: Doug Chambers ~ Cousin
Dear Dad, Your daughter here. I love reading all of the memories of your humor. That was definitely your strong suite. You could tell a story and joke like no other and I am so going to miss that about you. I just had to laugh at Bill's comment about debates. You could debate like no other, too. That I won't miss. I won't miss FOX news blarring from your tv. My favorite story is the one you told a couple that Pres. Clinton was moving Hawaii closer to the mainland. I think of that story often and I get a chuckle every time. T-shirts and hats. I was forever looking for a funny t-shirt to send to you. You attempted to teach me to drive, although I was in tears in about 2 minutes. You taught me to swim by throwing me into the deep end of the swimming pool and you said, "SWIM!" I did learn to swim pretty fast that day. You told my drunk boyfriend I couldn't go out with him. Good call. I didn't think so at the time, but it was a good call. You moved us all over the country which I am so grateful I had the opportunity to see this beautiful country. You made the best strawberry dacaquires at the family reunion and of course you entertained us all. You complimented me on my art work stating you had no idea I was such a good artist. That meant the world to me. I remember when you brought Willie Pooh home, our pet skunk. I remember the times you and Terry would ride our horse and make it buck like a rodeo horse. I remember the time we had a blizzard in Iowa and you went on a snow mobile to the neighbors to make sure they had food. I remember you taking Marty sailing when I shipped him to you for the summer to give me some much needed mental rest. I remember when you bought Josie the Cabbage Patch Doll and it became her favorite. I remember how proud you were when Victor was born and you said his name was Victor because of Victory! I remember you calling Mom.... Tina. I remember the time you walked into my room when I was in high schoo, I was listening to Led Zeppelin's 'Whole Lotta Love" and you said it sounds like a cow is dieing in here. A few months past and I found you in the garage working on something. You were listening to Led Zeppelin and you weren't even aware of it. That was pretty funny! I remember you dancing around the house to Ray Charles, the Mama's and Papa, and that horrible song, "How Much Is That Doggie In The Window". You would say, "Let's Boogie!" I remember when we were squirting down the roof of the house when a huge California fire was just a block away from our house. I remember when you caught me on my friend's moped. That was a huge no no! I remember when mom gave you Happy Dog as a present when you had knee surgery and you said that is the ugliest dog you had ever seen. Happy was my favorite! So many memories I'm sure you were never aware of and I wish I would have told you about this. I think you knew that you put a smile on my face with all of our smart ass bantering. You were a challenge to keep up with, but some how we managed to get a kick out of each other. I miss you dad! Ellen
Sheri, I am at a loss for words to express my sorrow for your loss. Jim's death has left a void in so many ways but please be assured that the humor and impact he had on my life will remain. If there is anything that Kathleen and I can do please let us know. Brad BRADLEY D. CLOSSON
Sharie; I was so sorry to hear about Jim. Linda called me. I was in Galveston at the time. Jim was such a funny guy. I will never forget the day he came in with his "dog". I don't think i ever laughed so much. He was such a joy in so many lives. I know from experience Sharie this will NEVER get better, but it will get EASIER with time. Please know that my prayers and thoughts are with you. I am here if you need me. Don't hesitate to call. Love Barb
Hi Sharie, Sorry to hear about Jim. Thank you for letting me know, that was a very nice memorial you sent about Jim, I know you will miss him very much. Take care Mark & Vanessa
ellen is now following James Paulson Memorial
Apr 6, 2010
Sharie, I am so sorry to hear this, but I have to say the Jim lived his live to the fullest. God bless and thank you for informing me. One does not meet to many men that leave a lasting impression, Jim was one of these men. ~Joseph Daddura
I heard this afternoon from Pam. I'm sorry about how things went. I am glad however that you got to spend some time with him recently. I'll be thinking about you, your mom and brothers. ~Andie Carter Burns
I love you and will miss Unlce Jim. He was truly one of a kind. Please let Aunt Sharie, Terry, and Vic know they are in our thoughts and prayers. I wish I could be with you all at this time. Just know that he is no longer in pain and can breathe and walk freely now. He will be with us all forever. Love you Barb, Pam, Susan & Aria.
What a very nice remembrance this is! I didn't know Jim for very long, but I suppose I can say we had a pretty close relationship at one time, and yet, I'm surprised at all the things I didn't know about him. I did have a realization back then that there was something extraordinary about Jim; he always seemed to me to be accomplished at whatever he took on, and surely I know he took on some very heavy stuff, just as surely I know that I don't know the half of it.... I suppose, thinking back on the young man I was when I knew Jim, I was in a position for which one might believe they had reason to feel intimidated, yet he didn't make me feel that way. From the first time I met Jim, he was always friendly and good to me and I wish I could let him know how much I appreciate that. As a shy young man, I needed all the help I could get. Whew, believe me about that. Oh yes, the stories. Jim was, without a doubt, one of the best, if not the best, story/joke tellers I have ever known. Over the years, I have tried my best to share some of the funnier stories with friends and acquaintances, but, of course, it never packed the punch it had when Jim had told it; with the accents and nuances he provided in the telling, it was a winning combination and a hoot every time. I remember always feeling he had nailed it and wishing I could do that. I'll never forget that about Jim. Surely Jim will be remembered and live on in the hearts and minds of many people, as he and his family have through the years for me. I wish I would have had the chance to run into him and catch up on some of the stories I missed along the way. Take your rest now Jim, you deserve it. Who knows what's in store for us; maybe we'll still have a chance to catch up on things sometime, somewhere down the road. Save me a seat up front. ~Jim Gablick
Uncle Jim will be dearly missed.........and I thought the blog was done woderfully........Take Care. ~Robyn and Tom Delaney
Wow - you really captured Jim's spirit in what you wrote about him. I love the photos you chose to add - they are definitely Jim. I'm going to miss him. I know this must be so hard for you, it is great to know that he is no longer in pain, but I know you weren't ready to say goodbye. I was going to call you this weekend but was phoneless - what a weird feeling. The storms blew out the internet and phone connection at my house and I left my cell phone charger at work. They are suppose to have the home phone fixed today. Thank you for sending me the memorial. Sharon Covington
Hi Sharie, thank you so much for sending us Jim's obituary. We both had a good cry when we read it and looked at the pictures. He was truly "one of a kind" and always full of humor. We especially loved the picture of you two in front of the flowering tree. So many memories. He will never be forgotten and when we think of him it will bring a smile to our faces recalling the zillion comical remarks he came out with. Please know we hold you, Terry, Ellen Victor and their families in our heart and we will pray that the heavy burden you each feal will soon be shadowed by pleasant and happy memories of the times you had together. Please know that we forwarded your message on to some of his friends in our area. Much love to you all, Jack & Lona Jones
Hi Sharon, So sorry to hear that Jim passed away. I got the sad news last week from Frank, but I had some health issues that just had to stop w/everything. Later on that. Anyway, Jim had such a sense of humor and a helping heart. I'm sure you were happy that he made books stands, stereo holder and book cabinet (which I loved the most) and drapery rods, plus among other things. He had creative mind. My condolences, Hope you're OK. Mina and Tom Marjanovic
You left this earth, but not my heart. I am left alone to think, cry and mourne. I wish I were with you until the end to hold your hand, to tell you I love you so much and thank you for being my dad. I wish I could have taken away your pain and especially your fears. I do not judge for it is your decision to make. I will hold onto the memories and be grateful for my 47 years we share. I love you dad. R.I.P. ~Ellen
ellen is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 4, 2010