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Email Fundraising
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So you’ve got a website for your business. How is that working out for you? Are people finding you on the internet? Are you gaining customers from your website? Or is it like one of those tools you have lying on the workbench in the garage – It’s there, but... Continue reading
Posted Sep 7, 2012 at Email Fundraising
It probably is pretty safe to assume that E-Mail Fundraising is not a flash in the pan, but, rather, will be a major weapon in the arsenal of every email marketing firm in the nation for ad infinitum. Scattered across the world wide web is tidbits of information and suggestions... Continue reading
Posted Sep 7, 2012 at Email Fundraising
Gone are the days when all you need to do to run an online business is to build a website, send it to the major Search Engines and wait for visitors to come. Today, you need to proactively drive highly qualified traffic to it and convert visitors into clients. Search... Continue reading
Posted Sep 7, 2012 at Email Fundraising
Facebook is far more than the name “social media” implies. It has become one of the most effective marketing venues the world has even seen. So why is it that, although you’ve created a Facebook page for their business, it just sits there? Why don’t people notice it? With countless... Continue reading
Posted Sep 7, 2012 at Email Fundraising
1) Build Your Email House File - The most successful professional fundraisers are using email marketing programs to solicit their house files. I know this may be a long process to develop these lists, but once you have a robust house file acquisition process in place, your email lists will... Continue reading
Posted Jun 5, 2012 at Email Fundraising
One of the paramount challenges for churches and para-churches is fundraising. While there are a number of “tried and true” methods available, the advent of the Internet and email has created paradigm shifts that mandate to enjoy continued success it is going to be necessary to stay on the “cutting... Continue reading
Posted Jun 5, 2012 at Email Fundraising
In this fourth of five blog posts, I'm providing you with 10 Internet Marketing Ideas that will help you be successful online. Some are practical, some are philosophical, but they are all intended to help you be more successful with your small business marketing strategies. Here are numbers seven and... Continue reading
Posted Jan 17, 2012 at Email Fundraising
In this third of five blog posts, I'm providing you with 10 Internet Marketing Ideas that will help you be successful online. Some are practical, some are philosophical, but they are all intended to help you be more successful with your small business marketing strategies. Here are numbers five and... Continue reading
Posted Jan 17, 2012 at Email Fundraising
In this second of five blog posts, I'm providing you with 10 Internet Marketing Ideas that will help you be successful online. Some are practical, some are philosophical, but they are all intended to help you be more successful with your small business marketing strategies. Here are numbers three and... Continue reading
Posted Jan 17, 2012 at Email Fundraising
Be sure to include images in your search engine optimization efforts. You can get even more visitors to your website by properly preparing and coding your images. The reason is that properly prepared and coded images will be found and indexed by search engines, thereby increasing your search engine rankings.... Continue reading
Posted Jan 17, 2012 at Email Fundraising
Search Engine Optimization is a specialized field that helps your website get higher rankings in search engines. Your goal in search engine optimization is to capture as much of the page 1 real estate in searches relevant to your business. Whether you’re developing a new website or updating an existing... Continue reading
Posted Jan 17, 2012 at Email Fundraising
A virtual tour can be an interesting and valuable addition to your website, and if you do it properly, it can be a valuable part of your internet marketing ideas. But if you’re thinking of adding a virtual tour to your non profit website design, you’ll need to take a... Continue reading
Posted Jan 17, 2012 at Email Fundraising
Promoting your website is similar to promoting any product, but there are several aspects of an Internet Business Marketing Promotional Plan that you’ll want to take into account as you create a plan for non profit fundraising. 1. Define WHAT (the message) I want to say to WHOM (the audience),... Continue reading
Posted Jan 17, 2012 at Email Fundraising
In the next series of five blog posts, I want to provide with you 10 Internet Marketing Ideas that will help you be successful online. Some are practical, some are philosophical, but they are all intended to help you be more successful with your small business marketing strategies. Here are... Continue reading
Posted Jan 17, 2012 at Email Fundraising
Nothing can inspire donors to give like the power of a good story, told well, whether you are raising funds with a Saturday morning car wash or you are one of a handful of powerful fundraising companies helping clients raise millions. In last week’s blog post I talked about the... Continue reading
Posted Jan 17, 2012 at Email Fundraising
If you’re a non profit or church who raises funds, then you need to include online fundraising in your marketing tool kit. And when you start doing that, you’ll want to consider the advantages of working with various fundraising companies. Just because you work with someone who has been managing... Continue reading
Posted Jan 17, 2012 at Email Fundraising
Fundraising professionals, no matter what their cause or kind, understand that they must, at some point in the fundraising stream, connect donors to the end-recipient of their giving. Stories, testimonies and images all can work together to bring that powerful sense of gratification to donors who want their dollars to... Continue reading
Posted Jan 17, 2012 at Email Fundraising
If you're not doing email fundraising, you need to consider it now. Email fundraising helps causes raise money online fast and effectively. According to a Harris Poll, more than 80% of Americans, that's 184 million people, are now online for an average of 14 hours weekly. And trends in nonprofit... Continue reading
Posted Aug 8, 2011 at Email Fundraising
E-mail fundraising is a method of communication with those giving donations online thru email. It has crossed all boundaries and barriers of caste, culture, religion or creed. It has no demographical boundaries. It is reliable, quick and quite effective. The main purpose behind any kind of e-mail fundraising is to... Continue reading
Posted Jun 11, 2011 at Email Fundraising
It is quite essential to add email marketing to your mix of online marketing tools. To get the most out of your email fundraising or email marketing program you have to implement the following four strategic steps to success: 1) Build Your Email House File Most successful professional fundraisers use... Continue reading
Posted Jun 11, 2011 at Email Fundraising
Everybody likes contests. A recent survey showed that participating in online contests and sweepstakes has become a very popular pastime for people online, particularly women, for whom this activity ranked among the highest overall, and because of this, many companies have now realized the value of online contests as a... Continue reading
Posted May 7, 2011 at Email Fundraising
Give people multiple opportunities to click the call to action. Some email fundraising experts say the typical fundraising email should have nearly 20 ways to click through to your landing pages. Shoot for having at least 5-10 for starters. Readers' differ drastically - some readers will be more inclined to... Continue reading
Posted Mar 8, 2011 at Email Fundraising
E-mails used in email fundraising should include a clear call to action, a response you want users to complete. Your readers need to know specifically what you want them to do. Should they give $50 now? Should they sign a petition today or take a survey in the next few... Continue reading
Posted Mar 8, 2011 at Email Fundraising
What will happen if the reader doesn’t give a donation as a result of this email? Will hurting people continue to suffer? Will dogs continue to be abused or homeless? Your email fundraising readers needs to visualize the results of both helping and not helping. Appeal to your readers’ senses... Continue reading
Posted Mar 8, 2011 at Email Fundraising
Email fundraising e-mails should carry an action-oriented headline that you carry throughout the process. Your headline should lead people toward the action you want them to take but still speak directly to what's interesting to them. Plus, your email subject line needs to flow onto the email headline, which flows... Continue reading
Posted Mar 8, 2011 at Email Fundraising