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Fantastic article. I love how you urge caution at labelling people and bring up the need to redefine what's beneficial for our society. I think the ed system is still stuck in the 1950s and getting worse. I wish there was a way to revamp it from the ground up. Let's start with standing desks!
Some Disabilities Are Actually Quite Good For Society
This piece appears in GOOD When my younger son was diagnosed with ADHD, the school psychologist ticked off a list of symptoms (hyperactivity, impulsivity, distractibility, etc.) and recommended medication. "Why," I asked, "Do you consider his learning issues a disability?" With an air of medical...
That photo is cracking me up. I went through a fire phase...burned different things in my room. I snapped out quite quickly after my dad caught me burning book after book of matches and smacked me HARD. It was one of the only times I can count on ONE hand he had ever done so. Oh well! LOL! I understand the gist of what you are saying though, which I think is that you can let your children experience the forbidden under controlled conditions? I would have taken my kid out and started a nice bonfire in one of those outside fireplaces.
My 8-Year-old’s quest for fire
One of the reasons I seriously doubt my teenage son will ever develop a drug habit is that he’s deathly afraid of both needles and fire. I can’t see him snorting anything into his nose either. My younger son, on the other hand, has developed a healthy (or unhealthy, depending on your perspective...
EmamiJ is now following The Big Shift
Apr 29, 2013
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Apr 29, 2013
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