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Colchester, UK
Interests: opera, listening to music, blogging., reading, writing, going to the proms in the summer
Recent Activity
The King's Loot: The Greatest Royal Jewellery Heist in History - Richard Wallace
There is a line in Godfather III when Michael Corleone says "just when I think I am out they drag me back in". I feel the same way about the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. Just when you think all... Continue reading
Posted Aug 31, 2024 at Random Jottings
Cosy Random
I have done very little reading of pith and moment this summer. I find that I can sit and concentrate more in the autumn and winter. I remember at school thinking how foolish it was to have to sit exams... Continue reading
Posted Aug 5, 2024 at Random Jottings
I am definitely going to do this UK cruise as I spoke to peeps on board who had done it and really recommended it
Random Norway - I am back
I am back from the fjords and sitting here looking at the usual British grey skies and rain. I am sure that when we look back at our childhood we view it with nostalgia and, perhaps, false memories, but honestly I can remember so many sunshine days on the beach or in the country and all we have ...
wise words. I am glad that you lived life to the full together. Now I have my new hip and can walk and manage so much better, I am determined to do as much as I can
Random Norway - I am back
I am back from the fjords and sitting here looking at the usual British grey skies and rain. I am sure that when we look back at our childhood we view it with nostalgia and, perhaps, false memories, but honestly I can remember so many sunshine days on the beach or in the country and all we have ...
I was nervous as I said but when talking to othrers, widows, widowers, divorcees we all agreed that we could either sit at home and do nothing or get up and go. So we did!
Random Norway - I am back
I am back from the fjords and sitting here looking at the usual British grey skies and rain. I am sure that when we look back at our childhood we view it with nostalgia and, perhaps, false memories, but honestly I can remember so many sunshine days on the beach or in the country and all we have ...
Random Norway - I am back
I am back from the fjords and sitting here looking at the usual British grey skies and rain. I am sure that when we look back at our childhood we view it with nostalgia and, perhaps, false memories, but honestly... Continue reading
Posted Jul 23, 2024 at Random Jottings
Random Fjords
Here I sit in the lounge of the ship, Ambience, and having had my breakfast and totally unable to drink the awful instant coffee in the buffet restaurant, I now have a cappucino with an extra shot and all is... Continue reading
Posted Jul 18, 2024 at Random Jottings
Random update - Wimbledon and holiday
As most of you already know I am incommunicado when Wimbledon is on and this year is no different. However, I have found this year’s tournament a bit of a washout, literally as well as figuratively, as the weather has... Continue reading
Posted Jul 12, 2024 at Random Jottings
Hi Caroline
Having the hip replaced was the best thing I have done. Ok nearly bankrupted me but worth it. I was in hospital for three days and then home. I live alone and so had my sister stay for a few days else they will not let you out. The secret is to walk as much as possible. I bought myself a walker with a shelf and tray so I could make tea etc and then push it back to my living room /bedroom. Recovery time reflects the effort one puts into it. I was walking without crutches within a fortnight
If you would like to email me then please do
[email protected]
Random Summer
Oh the sun is shining and has been for a few days now and it is warm and oh thank goodness. We have had so much rain and cold that I honestly thought the summer would never arrive. I have been busy so apologies again for my lack of posting. I did mention that my blogging would be much more spora...
Random Summer
Oh the sun is shining and has been for a few days now and it is warm and oh thank goodness. We have had so much rain and cold that I honestly thought the summer would never arrive. I have... Continue reading
Posted Jun 26, 2024 at Random Jottings
I have spotted the new Jane Thynne and have it on pre-order. I like her writing so much
I have been watching the tennis but a lot of the time I have to have it on mute because of the noise some of the players make and the non stop wittering of the commentators.
As I write I am watching the mends doubles finals and the grunting and yelling going on is just plain daft
I am off to Queens next week!!
Monday catch up and Latest Reads
OK it is currently tennis and cricket season and I have spent most of the last month glued to the tv. As the weather was incredibly cold and chilly this was no hardship. In between all this sport watching I have been reading rather a lot of romance, light fiction and 'cosy' mysteries. I have bee...
The Horowitz book is on order!
Monday catch up and Latest Reads
OK it is currently tennis and cricket season and I have spent most of the last month glued to the tv. As the weather was incredibly cold and chilly this was no hardship. In between all this sport watching I have been reading rather a lot of romance, light fiction and 'cosy' mysteries. I have bee...
Horowitz has a new one out soon!
Monday catch up and Latest Reads
OK it is currently tennis and cricket season and I have spent most of the last month glued to the tv. As the weather was incredibly cold and chilly this was no hardship. In between all this sport watching I have been reading rather a lot of romance, light fiction and 'cosy' mysteries. I have bee...
Foyle's War is always on repeat and I do watch some of the episodes again. General consensus is that it was one of hte best series...ever
Monday catch up and Latest Reads
OK it is currently tennis and cricket season and I have spent most of the last month glued to the tv. As the weather was incredibly cold and chilly this was no hardship. In between all this sport watching I have been reading rather a lot of romance, light fiction and 'cosy' mysteries. I have bee...
well we have had the odd ray but distincly cloudy and cold today. I still have my winter woollies ready to go. And yes I will keep on with the blog even if it is more spasmodic these days. I realise that I would miss it and all of you very much
Monday catch up and Latest Reads
OK it is currently tennis and cricket season and I have spent most of the last month glued to the tv. As the weather was incredibly cold and chilly this was no hardship. In between all this sport watching I have been reading rather a lot of romance, light fiction and 'cosy' mysteries. I have bee...
I am responding somewhat belatedly to comments so my apologies, I have been glued to the tennis. But thank you for your kind comments
Monday catch up and Latest Reads
OK it is currently tennis and cricket season and I have spent most of the last month glued to the tv. As the weather was incredibly cold and chilly this was no hardship. In between all this sport watching I have been reading rather a lot of romance, light fiction and 'cosy' mysteries. I have bee...
I can recommend the Milly books if you are laid up and recovering. So enjoyable.
Monday catch up and Latest Reads
OK it is currently tennis and cricket season and I have spent most of the last month glued to the tv. As the weather was incredibly cold and chilly this was no hardship. In between all this sport watching I have been reading rather a lot of romance, light fiction and 'cosy' mysteries. I have bee...
Queen Victoria and her Prime Ministers - Anne Somerset
in 1964 Elizabeth Longford published a biography of Queen Victoria which was the first warts and all story of her life. Lady Longford, who was fairly well connected, was granted access to materials that others had not been privy to... Continue reading
Posted Jun 8, 2024 at Random Jottings
OK I apologise for keeping wavering all the time. I will continue as it is part of my life. Eighteen years this month!!
Springtime ramble
I say Springtime but I am currently sitting on my sofa with a heated throw over my legs and lap and feeling cold. Seems to take longer and longer each year before the cold weather departs and the warmth comes. The mornings are nice and sunny and then by midday the cloud comes in and the tempera...
Monday catch up and Latest Reads
OK it is currently tennis and cricket season and I have spent most of the last month glued to the tv. As the weather was incredibly cold and chilly this was no hardship. In between all this sport watching I... Continue reading
Posted May 13, 2024 at Random Jottings
I am at a loss why this is happening. I have made no changes to the settings or set up of the blog. I am seriously considering giving it up to be honest as ai seem to lack motivation these days. I have been blogging for 18 years and feel,perhaps time to retire.
Springtime ramble
I say Springtime but I am currently sitting on my sofa with a heated throw over my legs and lap and feeling cold. Seems to take longer and longer each year before the cold weather departs and the warmth comes. The mornings are nice and sunny and then by midday the cloud comes in and the tempera...
Springtime ramble
I say Springtime but I am currently sitting on my sofa with a heated throw over my legs and lap and feeling cold. Seems to take longer and longer each year before the cold weather departs and the warmth comes.... Continue reading
Posted Apr 8, 2024 at Random Jottings
Power and Glory - Alexander Larman
Alexander Larman wrote the Crown in Crisis in 2018 with no intention of this book turning into the first instalment of a trilogy. By the time had had finished writing about the Abdication (in my opinion the best book written... Continue reading
Posted Mar 19, 2024 at Random Jottings
Round up
I am sitting here wrapped in a nice heated blanket and looking out at yet another dreary day and wondering when Spring will arrive. Daffodils are out in the garden which is always a good sign but now most of... Continue reading
Posted Mar 5, 2024 at Random Jottings
Setting up my new router was a pain as well but all well now
I am sorry you cannot get on with the Heron books but we all have different tastes!
Catch up
Due to the total inefficiency and imbecility of my network provider I have been without access to the internet for over two weeks. They also took away my landline despite my telling them not to. I reckon I have been on the phone to them for a total of seven hours in the last fortnight and dealin...
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