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Recent Activity
sitting here in a skit lodge while ivy + friend are out there skiing, reading this and feeling a bit teary! thankyou for all the years of sharing...such a comforting and inspiring space you have created, one that i am very grateful to keep coming back to xo
(March 2005) The Pool Shirt Yay! The Pool Shirt is done. I used the fabulous Munki Munki Pool Party print--so adorable. The pattern was a bit more of a bear than I expected--particularly the collar. Originally, I had a plan to make one for Steve and Ezra too, but now I'm not so sure! Here's the...
thankyou for the support, i am really excited to share this with those who feel it is right for them :)
nathalie - i have put some more details on my facebook page and am happy to email you with more info if you need it.
em xo
2015 offering
a year of s o u l * m a k e s with a new year on our doorstep i have put together a little plan that i'm bursting with excitement about! self-care comes in many forms, and like i mentioned in my last blog post (it felt good to share, thankyou lovely people!) - is something i am consta...
tasha they weren't running around the public campsite naked - we were the only people on a very private beach and they were running back to our also very private campsite through a path that led just to our site. :)
we be road trippin'
oh yeh ! nothing brings you together like a family road trip! setting off at 5pm so the kids would fall asleep a few hours later, we hit the highways and drove caravan style with some friends all night arriving in south carolina at lunchtime the next day. hard core! upon arrival we discovered ...
beth - yes rite of passage! ha! and we are aussies after all, it's our patriotic beach uniform ;)
we be road trippin'
oh yeh ! nothing brings you together like a family road trip! setting off at 5pm so the kids would fall asleep a few hours later, we hit the highways and drove caravan style with some friends all night arriving in south carolina at lunchtime the next day. hard core! upon arrival we discovered ...
tasha, really ?
we be road trippin'
oh yeh ! nothing brings you together like a family road trip! setting off at 5pm so the kids would fall asleep a few hours later, we hit the highways and drove caravan style with some friends all night arriving in south carolina at lunchtime the next day. hard core! upon arrival we discovered ...
val we camped at huntington state park - it's about 1.5 hours south of myrtle beach. gorgeous !
we be road trippin'
oh yeh ! nothing brings you together like a family road trip! setting off at 5pm so the kids would fall asleep a few hours later, we hit the highways and drove caravan style with some friends all night arriving in south carolina at lunchtime the next day. hard core! upon arrival we discovered ...
i love-slash-*need* to travel!!!! and have always had to think creatively or outside the box to allow it. organizing and running retreats allows me to go to bali - and soak up inspiration from another culture. thats what floats ma boat ! not buying 'stuff' ;)
(first three photos from faith's instagram feed)...
(first three photos from faith's instagram feed) nicole and i are bursting with happiness to be offering another soulful escape to bali in october this year. it was a dream come true to travel together to this beautiful culture, be creative and inspired and share that with a group of beauti...
my mum got me onto larkrise earlier this year, i love it! and your hat :)
27 hours to a hat
1pm - in the mad scramble that is always getting-out-the-door, grab yarn (Hope Spinnery wind-spun yarn), pattern (butterfly hat), the children to join me ... and run. 1:20pm - While waiting (and waiting) in construction, cast on. (The car was fully parked, I assure you.) Matching wardrobe ...
{this moment}
. . . . . . . . . . {this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to...
so cosy, and clean!
{this moment}
. . . . . . . . . . {this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to...
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