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I hope you're able to use the parents space to reflect your views on worksheets (esp boring ones)
Love that she liked quick sums :-)
5 Years Old: No More Worksheets (Please)
Catriona's just finished Primary 1 (Kindergarten) and was asked to give her feedback on her learning, for the benefit of the school. It's a fab school - 360 feedback is something I'd love to see in every school, more often. I just loved her comment, and hope that every teacher she ever has,...
I like your ideas; I've also been trying to play about with the circles & work out something that works for me.
How, however, do you manage to add people to them, when you have quite so many (looking at the second list with the 1.3 etc) - I can only see 1.5 rows of circles! (OK, I know you can add someone by right clicking & going for the add to circle, but that's fiddly if you're block adding them!)
I've also got in the (equivalent of the) me circle my 'other' G+ account, that I've been using to see the effect of things like extended circles. Which I do find useful.
Would be nice, if, at some point, rather than having 'stream' it was possible to see in a single stream all the updates from a set of circles, rather than 1 or all. (Unless that's something I've yet to find!)
(That, and I want boolean logic for them, so I can have everyone who is in both a & b, but not a or b!)
Managing your Social Graph with Google+ [Google Plus]
With Google+ almost two weeks into its test phase, conversation about this new social network service seems to be going in circles. Literally. That’s because Circles is the Google+ feature that users are generating the most buzz about. It’s Google’s answer to the problem of organizing your s...
Les, have you been talking to the guy on the floor above me ... he's forever trying to convince us that it's more environmentally friendly to use the lift ... on the grounds that going up (a whole flight!) of stairs uses up energy, so you have to eat more, thus putting excessive demands on the agriculture system!
By the way, fully agree with James' points re those who take noisy 'breaks'!
The year of the backlash
<Image by Frippy> This is hardly a marvel of prophecy, but bear with me... The signs are that this year will be one marked by something of a backlash against social media/ web 2.0/ any internet stuff. I don't mean from the traditional media, who'...
Edit: Change that link to: - for near Nottingham for anyone.
Not sure why it didn't think Josie & Steve were in Nottingham, could have sworn I'd seen them.
But, Ewan wasn't!
Comparing Twitter usage at ALT-C - 2009 vs. 2010
I've just been taking a very quick and dirty (and totally non-scientific) look at the Summarizr Twitter summaries for #altc2009 and #altc2010. Here are some observations (which may or may not be either significant or correct): Firstly, twittering was up roughly 35% this year on last - not surpri...
Edit: Change that link to: - for near Nottingham for anyone.
Not sure why it didn't think Josie & Steve were in Nottingham, could have sworn I'd seen them.
But, Ewan wasn't!
Comparing Twitter usage at ALT-C - 2009 vs. 2010
I've just been taking a very quick and dirty (and totally non-scientific) look at the Summarizr Twitter summaries for #altc2009 and #altc2010. Here are some observations (which may or may not be either significant or correct): Firstly, twittering was up roughly 35% this year on last - not surpri...
Hmm... have just discovered that the short cuts (in Mac) for Close (Firefox) window & Grab's "grab screen' are the same, as I've just found a web site that could answer (to a degree) the question of where people tweeted from. And when.
It's & seems to go back a max of 14 days - and you can narrow things down to a 10 mile radius. - the screen grab in the end didn't highlight the tallest column, saying it was 1,761 or similar tweets.
The number didn't seem to vary when I changed the location, but the people showing up did.
Comparing Twitter usage at ALT-C - 2009 vs. 2010
I've just been taking a very quick and dirty (and totally non-scientific) look at the Summarizr Twitter summaries for #altc2009 and #altc2010. Here are some observations (which may or may not be either significant or correct): Firstly, twittering was up roughly 35% this year on last - not surpri...
Definitely interested ... and hopefully as I'm signed in with Typepad, you should have access to my email address (maybe??). I'm @emmadw on Twitter if not.
Can you help shape the future of informal learning? Apply within.
A group of folk who I believe are spearheading informal learning in the most unlikely of ways are looking for some help, and readers are almost certainly likely to be able to help. Do you undertake some informal learning already? Do you want to do more informal learning but find ...
Fascinating reading! I'd not realised till you mentioned this that you were into comics - I've equally probably not mentioned to you that I've got a fair collection (or perhaps you noticed them!) of old girls school stories - from a slightly earlier era.
Meantime, several of the folks I know via that are also into comics - indeed, I went to a session at the ICA called "I love Girls comics" a couple of years ago with one of them. (She's done a lot of work in the area - so I've pointed her to this post).
Now, really ought to get on with my own post re. ALT-C!
Interesting 09
Really delighted have spoken at Russell Davies's Interesting this year. It's easily one of my favorite conferences - entertaining, educational, creative, unpredictable and inspiring. My topic was psychological violence in late 1970s/early 1980s girls comics, & here are the notes. Enjoy! Duri...
Thanks for this - it looks useful. Have to say that one of my favourites (though I do use several screen grab tools) is Screengrab! - which is a Firefox plugin. So, though it's got less functionality than many others, it's there at the time. (And, the version that goes with Flock lets you upload directly to Flickr if you've got an a/c there; which is handy.)
PrtScr is a free screen capture program. Here are some of its features: Captures full screen, rectangle selection, freehand selection, or active window Can capture mouse cursor Allows annotation over capture, with smooth, natural mouse drawing Saves capture straight to desktop or to any fil...
I saw it demonstrated on the Royal Institution Xmas lectures & thought that it would be useful for someone using a head switch (I've worked with students who have used them in the past) so interesting to see those videos. (The RI lectures just had a single word, not a whole sentence)
Dasher - Open Source software helping skilled users to write at over 30 words a minute by pointing
Source:Dasher Project Last March I mentioned David MacKay's Sustainable Energy - without the hot air. (Read it before you decide on any domestic or personal energy saving investments.) MacKay is a Professor in the Cambridge University Department of Physics and a leading figure in the artific...
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