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Marjorie Engbarth Ward
Recent Activity
Marjorie Engbarth Ward is now following L.B. Miller
Sep 25, 2011
Linda, You were the most amazing teacher. I remember being in your class and being so impressed with your skills with the children. They learned so much from you. Even though it annoyed me to no end that everytime you reached for your chalk or marker or whatever, it was always in the right spot. So I can totally see you being annoyed by your tooth brush being moved, or your coffee cup being on the wrong shelf. That made me laugh!!
Embracing Change...or so I thought....
There are two kinds of change. One I embrace with a big bear hug, the other - not so much. As soon as the first red leaf appears on my patio, I get exhilarated by the impending new season. I could not live in a place where trees just stood there being green all the time. I welcome major...
Marjorie Engbarth Ward is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 25, 2010
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