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Enigmatic Female
Formerly known as the Betty Crocker of the Upper West Side.
Interests: In no particular order: cooking, gardening, shopping, becoming a runner, raising my three sons (a three year old and twin babies), creating a home, writing, finding beauty in all things, laughing with my husband, efficiency, big words, little electronics.
Recent Activity
On Saturday night, we had several box seat tickets to see a Dallas Stars game. A friend/former colleague of Ben's and his two sons, ages 7 and 8, joined us. I've always enjoyed spending time with this guy and his family, and was disappointed his wife decided to stay home... Continue reading
Posted Dec 5, 2011 at The Minivan Chronicles
My parents are coming for Thanksgiving. Their flight arrives just before noon tomorrow. Groceries have not been purchased, the guest bed has not been made, two of our bathrooms smell like pee (thank you, Caleb), several loads of laundry are waiting to be done, and I have little to no... Continue reading
Posted Nov 21, 2011 at The Minivan Chronicles
Day 12 – A Token of Your Affection Surprise your husband with a gift. Try to think of something that he’s had his eye on for a long time, encourages him in pursuing one of his passions, or speaks of your love for him. Make sure you wrap it (if... Continue reading
Posted Nov 21, 2011 at The Minivan Chronicles
Day 11 – A Sweet Treat Make your husband’s favorite dessert. If you wanted to serve it to him wearing a super cute apron, I can’t imagine he’d mind. Just make sure he knows that you made it with him in mind even if the whole family will be partaking.... Continue reading
Posted Nov 21, 2011 at The Minivan Chronicles
Day 10 – Fetching Frocks and Pretty Pumps Take extra care with your appearance today. If your morning is too hectic, primp while the babies sleep in the afternoon. Slip into a fetching frock, don a pair of pretty pumps, do your hair and make-up, and spritz on a bit... Continue reading
Posted Nov 19, 2011 at The Minivan Chronicles
Day 9 – A Helping Hand Help your husband with his chores today. Does he usually take out the trash? Clean-up after dinner? Give the little ones their evening bath? Smile and insist on covering it for him. Encourage him to do something relaxing while you cheerfully tend to his... Continue reading
Posted Nov 17, 2011 at The Minivan Chronicles
Day 8 – Evening Ambiance It’s Wednesday! I don’t know why it is, but Wednesdays are notoriously difficult. Create a welcoming environment for your husband to come home to at the end of the day. A few ideas for creating such an environment include: having his preferred evening drink ready,... Continue reading
Posted Nov 17, 2011 at The Minivan Chronicles
Day 7 – A List of Ten Write a list of ten reasons you’re thankful for your husband. Make it a point to create a list that makes mention of things you might not compliment him on often. When you’re finished, quietly leave your list in a place he’s sure... Continue reading
Posted Nov 16, 2011 at The Minivan Chronicles
Day 6 – Appreciative Glances Frame a picture of him and put it on your desk or bedside table; use a picture of him to wallpaper your computer’s background; or tuck a photo of him into your wallet. Make sure he sees it and knows just how handsome you think... Continue reading
Posted Nov 16, 2011 at The Minivan Chronicles
Day 5 – Love Coupons Create a booklet of coupons for your guy to redeem at a date and time of his choosing. Does he like to sleep in? Include a coupon for a morning of rest. Does he have a favorite meal? Give him a coupon for a dinner... Continue reading
Posted Nov 16, 2011 at The Minivan Chronicles
Day 4 – A Little Personal Time Offer your husband the opportunity to get out by himself for a while to do whatever it is he likes to do. If your schedule doesn’t allow for him to head out today, look for a day in the next week or so... Continue reading
Posted Nov 16, 2011 at The Minivan Chronicles
Day 3 – Date Night It’s Friday! The perfect day for a very special at-home Date Night! Spend your day picking out the entertainment (with him in mind – no chick flicks!), preparing a feast of delicious food, drink, and dessert, and turning your bedroom into a romantic love nest.... Continue reading
Posted Nov 11, 2011 at The Minivan Chronicles
Day 2 – Rise and Shine Rise and shine, girls! Get up with your husband and get his day off to a cozy start. Warm his towels in the dryer while he showers; make him a hot breakfast; and if it’s cold outside turn on his car a few minutes... Continue reading
Posted Nov 10, 2011 at The Minivan Chronicles
I was inspired by the Betty Beguiles Heart of Gratitude Challenge, and I decided to do it along with her. Day 1 – A Day of Prayer Pray for your husband in a special way today. Light a candle upon rising. Each time you pass by during your day, let... Continue reading
Posted Nov 9, 2011 at The Minivan Chronicles
Weight lost or gained: 0 Hardest rule to follow: Go on a date. I need to get on top of finding a babysitter or get better at getting the kids to bed early enough for an at home date. Easiest rule to follow: No soda or energy drinks. Without being... Continue reading
Posted Nov 8, 2011 at The Minivan Chronicles
This is the memoir of a successful working mother/artist who felt drawn to the Amish in the 1980s. Her attraction began with Amish quilts hanging in a local store, was heightened by her acquisition of several Amish dolls, and eventually led to two extended stays with Amish families. The book... Continue reading
Posted Nov 7, 2011 at The Minivan Chronicles
Caleb has never been a great sleeper, but lately seems afraid of the dark and often pops out of bed and comes downstairs, sometimes right after he goes to bed, sometimes at 4am. While Ben was out of town it was particularly bad. One evening, he came down while I... Continue reading
Posted Nov 6, 2011 at The Minivan Chronicles
Ben has been out of town since Wednesday; I expect him home any time now. And not a moment too soon. I'm losing my ability to concentrate on the little things. You know, like locking the door when I leave the house. Closing the garage door when I pull out... Continue reading
Posted Nov 5, 2011 at The Minivan Chronicles
Earlier this week I wrote about taking four kids, including our 15 week old twins, to the movies last Sunday. While this may seem like an impossibly crazy idea at worst, and ill-advised at best, it worked out pretty well for us (and for the other patrons in the theater,... Continue reading
Posted Nov 4, 2011 at The Minivan Chronicles
The weather is getting cooler. The days are getting shorter. The lettuce I sowed last Saturday is sprouting. The turnips are filling out and peeking their bulbs out above ground. A caterpillar found its way into my lettuce, and was quickly removed on the leaf it occupied to this windowsill,... Continue reading
Posted Nov 3, 2011 at The Minivan Chronicles
Caleb takes a gymnastics class every Wednesday morning. Without daycare and seeing his friends on a daily basis, he was lonely and bored; gymnastics helps. From the first day, I loved this class. The kids follow rules, change activities quickly (a plus for my dawdling son), and learn physical competencies... Continue reading
Posted Nov 2, 2011 at The Minivan Chronicles
While browsing Mighty Girl's Get Happy: Online Resources for Improving Your Life, I was intrigued by her description of Health Month, a game that helps you adopt healthy habits by setting your own rules for the month. When you follow the rules each day, you get points. If you break... Continue reading
Posted Nov 1, 2011 at The Minivan Chronicles
I woke up Sunday morning determined that we were going to take full advantage of the gorgeous weather we've been having the past few days and have fun with the kids, mainly Caleb, as the babies are up for anything. We liked the previews for Puss in Boots and made... Continue reading
Posted Oct 31, 2011 at The Minivan Chronicles
Dora: Are you going to dress up for Halloween? Caleb: Yeah! Dora: I'm wearing my Halloween costume right now. I'm a cat. Meow! Dora: What are YOU going to be for Halloween? Caleb: A MONSTER! Dora: Cool! Caleb: Yup, it is. Continue reading
Posted Oct 28, 2011 at The Minivan Chronicles
The weather here in North Texas has been extremely warm until today. This has been good for playing outside, but I think a bit bad for the cool weather vegetables I planted in September. The rutabagas and beets sprouted, but failed to thrive and need to be sown again.Carrots are... Continue reading
Posted Oct 28, 2011 at The Minivan Chronicles