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My my, time flies ! Thanks George for your perspectives, always appreciated. I came across an interesting , very low energy footprint "software technology" that might make this planet a better place, who knows...Anyway, happy holidays and will read you in 3 month time again (I hope) :-)
Regards, Enki
Winter Solstice 2017 - Cycles
The occasion of the Winter Solstice has me thinking about a major fundamental aspect of all system processes. They all involve cycles (which include quasi-cycles or quasiperiodicity, hypercycles, and other variations on the theme of cyclic or almost cyclic behavior). In nature as well as human-d...
I will just enjoy summer and keep working....
Best idea out there George ! ;-)
Watching the World Fall Apart II
First the MENA collapse. Now the EU collapse. What is next? The Trump administration provides clues. Depletion of fossil fuels. Climate chaos. Leadership failures. You are witnessing the end.
"Things are really going crazy" says it all....
Regards Enki
Its all downhill from here - Happy Summer Solstice
I'm at the 8th almost annual Biophysical Economics meeting, this year in Montana (Flathead Lake Bio Station). The subject of discussions continues to be the energy issues that are an ever growing threat to humanity. There is such an incredible disconnect between the scientific data being discuss...
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Jun 23, 2017
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