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Entirely Smitten
Plymouth, Massachusetts
Hello. My name is Jillian and I am a DIY addict. Admitting you have a problem is the first step, right?!
Interests: sewing, painting, breaking things, photography, designing, drawing, jewelry, home improvements, laughing, color, refinishing, making anything
Recent Activity
Retro TV Fish Tank {Hack}
A few years ago while perusing a local thrift store, I happened upon the most amazing retro console TV. It looked identical to this bad boy here: Seriously amazing, no? I fell awe-stricken into a musty, old wicker chair and ogled it for at least 20 minutes. I knew I... Continue reading
Posted Jan 2, 2013 at Entirely Smitten
Handmade Christmas
Though I shared a little bit in my last post about my borderline disgust with current Christmas trends, I kept a positive focus on attaining holiday happiness for everyone by reinforcing that giving is so much more gratifying than receiving. This year was the first year we put this method... Continue reading
Posted Dec 26, 2012 at Entirely Smitten
I'm not sure what you mean. Did you spray the sink or the faucet? I haven't had any issues with anything sticking to the surface...
Rustoleum's Oil Rubbed Bronze Spray Paint {Obsessed}
First off: I'm a huge liar, I know. I haven't been updating like I said I would. But honestly, I'm actually doing stuff. I have been completely de-cluttering my life, which is a work in progress, but I will certainly share my secrets to how I am finally doing what I've wanted to do for YEARS ...
How to have a perfect Christmas GUILT FREE!
In the last year, Hubs and I have done some major soul searching and we've realized that we are more than a little disenchanted with society's view of the holidays. We find it disturbing that there is so much pressure to buy our kids everything they want and to never... Continue reading
Posted Nov 13, 2012 at Entirely Smitten
Woot woot!! It is so rewarding to make your own stuff! Enjoy :)
DIY Play Kitchen Set for Kids! {Hack}
My kids have been begging for a cooking set since my 3 year old niece got an awesome one for Christmas. Upon seeing it, Woobie said aloud, "Um... I think Santa brought this to the wrong house. I think this is supposed to be for me." He did get a food set, but it just wasn't the same without...
I'm so glad you like it, Sarah! Feel free to share your photos!!!
DIY Play Kitchen Set for Kids! {Hack}
My kids have been begging for a cooking set since my 3 year old niece got an awesome one for Christmas. Upon seeing it, Woobie said aloud, "Um... I think Santa brought this to the wrong house. I think this is supposed to be for me." He did get a food set, but it just wasn't the same without...
I'm glad you have liked it! I won't let you down when I make my way back to it. I have a lot of catching up to do! :)
I'm not dead.
Ok so it's been FOREVER since I've been over here, but I feel like I owe you all an explanation. Most of you will get it. Those who don't probably didn't get me in the first place and so didn't care that I fell off the face of the planet for months. So here's an update that covers everything:...
I'm not dead.
Ok so it's been FOREVER since I've been over here, but I feel like I owe you all an explanation. Most of you will get it. Those who don't probably didn't get me in the first place and so didn't care that I fell off the face of the planet... Continue reading
Posted Oct 2, 2012 at Entirely Smitten
Thanks, Jessica! I've since acquired more glass jars so thanks for the reminder to catch up!!! Thanks for visiting :D
Chalkboard Paint Food Storage Jars
Although having three children has forced me to ease up a bit, I have OCD at heart. How do I know this? When the IKEA catalog gets delivered I have to stop what I'm doing and flip through it- cover to cover. I drool over organizational products. I've always wanted to have one of those pantri...
I'm so glad you like it, Liz!!! I'm opening a studio in my town and guess what??? I'm STILL sticking with this method. It just can't be beat!!! Thanks for visiting :)
Craft Organization {A Sneak Peek!}
I've been working diligently trying to finish up my studio. For some reason I've been agonizing (literally) over the entire project - layout, storage, decor, etc. I've made LOTS of progress this week and I hope to pull it all together on my weekend (M-T-W) Here are a few sneak peeks ;) Th...
Oh my god, I'm a total jerk and a half! I just saw this comment!!! I'm so so so sorry!!! I will whip up a template this afternoon! Stay posted :D
More K-Cup Crafts!
Being that I am (still) addicted to coffee, the K-cups keep coming. Today I was in the mood for a somewhat mindless instant gratification kind of craft (as opposed to dress making and such) so I pulled out my old K-Cups and created 3 new ideas! Read on to see them... Note: if you haven't r...
Hi Cynthia! I'm sure satin ribbon would work just fine. It will definitely change the look of it, but I'm sure it would be fabulous! I know lots of people starch their ribbon sculptures, but I don't. That's one of the benefits of using grosgrain, it holds up pretty well. If you go with the satin ribbon be POSITIVE to heat seal all the edges! You can use a lighter or a wood burning tool. I hope that helps :) Thanks for visiting!!!
Ribbon Princess Hair Clips
These are so much easier to make than they appear! Read on for the full tutorial! Cinderella Note: To keep things quick and simple I will be referring to the ribbon widths as "super skinny," "thin," and "wide." I feel like you know what I mean instantly when I say that, as opposed to...
Just realized I didn't answer the question all the way- our eggs seem to stay fresh (pass the sink test) for almost 2 weeks!
End the Kitchen Calamity (Part 1)
{Clutter-Free Challenge} Day 15 Pantry and Food Cabinets Time Needed: 45 minutes - 2 hours Physical Rating: Light-Medium Emotional Rating: Minimal The kitchen is one of the most clutter prone areas in a home. Getting to the root of the kitchen clutter is harder than you'd think. Most peopl...
Yep! We have backyard chickens, so I know on any given day how old each egg is. With backyard chickens I don't have to worry about salmonella and other creepy bacteria so I can leave my eggs at room temp until I eat them. I don't wash them until just before I'm going to use them, since an egg is laid with a "bloom" or seal around it. A neat trick to making sure your eggs are always fresh is by testing them in a bowl or pan of water. They should absolutely sink! If the "pointier" end floats up its ok, but use it quickly! If it floats or the bottom end floats up, it's junk. Hope this helps!
End the Kitchen Calamity (Part 1)
{Clutter-Free Challenge} Day 15 Pantry and Food Cabinets Time Needed: 45 minutes - 2 hours Physical Rating: Light-Medium Emotional Rating: Minimal The kitchen is one of the most clutter prone areas in a home. Getting to the root of the kitchen clutter is harder than you'd think. Most peopl...
Clutter-Free Ways to Save Your Children's Artwork!
{Clutter-Free Challenge} Day 23 Time Needed: 45 minutes - 2 hours Physical Rating: Light Duty Emotional Rating: MINIMAL!!! Please trust me when I say this one will be easy- no hard decisions to make at all! As a mother of three truly artsy kiddos, I used to struggle with what... Continue reading
Posted Mar 25, 2012 at Entirely Smitten
End The Kitchen Calamity (Part 3)
{Clutter-Free Challenge} Day 22 Purge and Organize Small Appliances and Bakeware Time Needed: 15 -25 minutes Physical Rating: Light Duty Emotional Rating: Possible Attachment Anxiety This is our small appliance cabinet which is located to the right of our stove. This is another cabinet I never really cared for. We... Continue reading
Posted Mar 24, 2012 at Entirely Smitten
Declutter Your Computer
{Clutter-Free Challenge} Day 21 Time Needed: 45 minutes - 2 hours Physical Rating: Minimal Emotional Rating: HARD The only reason I marked the emotional rating as hard was this project seems really daunting, miserable, and thankless. In actuality, it is none of those things! This project is mostly painless and... Continue reading
Posted Mar 23, 2012 at Entirely Smitten
Organize your Entryway!
{Clutter-Free Challenge} Day 20! Time Needed: 15-45 minutes Physical Rating: Light Duty Emotional Rating: Minimal This is our mudroom. If you don't know the story about this little number, take a peek here... you might be surprised to find out how it was made :) Although we created this mudroom... Continue reading
Posted Mar 22, 2012 at Entirely Smitten
Organize Your Makeup and Beauty Tools
{Clutter-Free Challenge} Day 19 Time Needed: 20 minutes - 1 hour Physical Rating: Minimal Emotional Rating: Possible Attachment Anxiety Ugh. So here is my makeup clutter. Yes, that is a full-size reusable shopping bag. I have a little bit to purge I guess! The theme for this project is the... Continue reading
Posted Mar 21, 2012 at Entirely Smitten
That's ok! Most people, myself included, have areas in their house that serve more than one purpose. The idea is to junk what is unnecessary and organize whatever needs to stay to make the space more funtional for you. I know you can do it! You are a super creative thinker and I know you'll come up with awesome ideas to organize it! Let me know if you need some ideas on something specific :)
Clearing Out Your Linen Closet
{Clutter-Free Challenge} Day 18 Time Needed: 30-45 minutes Physical Rating: Light Duty Emotional Rating: Possible Attachment Anxiety Just for the record, I feel like this clutter photo more than makes up for my lack of photos yesterday! So here is our linen closet. I've always really hated th...
Tricycle Makeover {Retro Revamp}
It is seriously GORGEOUS out today and if you know anything about me, you know I'm solar-powered. It's only 3:30 on Tuesday and I've already accomplished everything I was hoping to do outside for the whole WEEK! I even had time for a side project! This little project was a... Continue reading
Posted Mar 20, 2012 at Entirely Smitten
Clearing Out Your Linen Closet
{Clutter-Free Challenge} Day 18 Time Needed: 30-45 minutes Physical Rating: Light Duty Emotional Rating: Possible Attachment Anxiety Just for the record, I feel like this clutter photo more than makes up for my lack of photos yesterday! So here is our linen closet. I've always really hated this closet. It's... Continue reading
Posted Mar 20, 2012 at Entirely Smitten
Managing Your Media Items
{Clutter-Free Challenge} Day 17 Time Needed: 20 minutes - 1 hour Physical Rating: Light - Medium Emotional Rating: Possible Attachment Anxiety Ok, first off I'm going full disclosure here: We do not own a TV... or a DVD Player, or video game consoles. Before you jump on the "Jill's a... Continue reading
Posted Mar 19, 2012 at Entirely Smitten
End The Kitchen Calamity (Part 2)
{Clutter-Free Challenge} Day 16 Silverware and Small Kitchen Gadgets Time Needed: 15-25 minutes Physical Rating: Minimal Emotional Rating: Possible Attachment Anxiety This one is pretty easy and follows the same idea as some of our other projects- "pull out the junk, organize what's left." When it comes to silverware there... Continue reading
Posted Mar 18, 2012 at Entirely Smitten
Maggie, I'm not sure if you're local to Massachusetts, but my mom got them at The Christmas Tree Shop for $1.99 each. I don't remember why she bought them, but we used them to bring sand toys to the beach and since they were sitting around the house I decided to steal them for this job :D
Ps- Thanks for the "like" on Facebook!!!
Organize Your Utility Cabinet/Closet
{Clutter-Free Challenge} Day 13 Time Needed: 15-20 minutes Physical Rating: Light Duty Emotional Rating: Minimal Here we have our utility cabinet. While the typical purpose of a utility cabinet is to store frequently used home maintenance items and emergency items for when the power goes o...
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