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Yes, the relevant concept is "complete system that has authority over non-Muslims." Certainly I feel bad for th unfortunate Muslims that are trapped in this totalitarian system, but if I desired to live under this hateful system I would move to Saudi Arabia or Pakistan.
Muslims that live in the West must abide by our laws and customs in the same manner those in Muslim countries demand of others living there.
FREEDOM VICTORY: Anti-Sharia Legislation passed the Florida Senate Committee
SB58 by Senator Alan Hays, American Laws for American Courts, passed the Senate Committee on Children, Families, and Elder Affairs and is now set to move to the Rules Committee, the final committee in the process for SB58. SB58 previously passed the Judiciary Committee and Governmental Oversight...
All this provided at taxpayer expense I presume!
He should be locked up in Guantanamo with the other monsters.
Hamza the Handless Jihadi Cleric awaiting terror trial in NYC gets new hand and computer
What's next? Will we provide the bombs to kill us with? He gets a computer too. Thank you, American taxpayer! He should be brought before a military tribunal and executed. Hamza faces 11 charges, that include conspiring with Seattle men to set up a terrorist training camp in Oregon and helping a...
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