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Jayva Print House
El Paso, TX 79902
At Jayva Printhouse, "You think it. We'll ink it". We specialize in custom designs and superior screen-printed apparel and promotional products. We can reproduce your logo on anything from T-shirts to tote bags for your event, sports team, school, business or organization. All of our print production is done in-house by a team focused on providing the highest quality products at an affordable price. Whether your order is large or small, bringing your vision to life is our passion. Our customers appreciate the innovation of our designs, the craftsmanship of our work, our customer focus and our quick and reliable production. Jayva is a locally owned and operated print shop servicing the El Paso and Las Cruces area. We are located at 1401 Wyoming Ave. in Central El Paso for your convenience.
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Dec 10, 2016