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OMG, so cute! What a great idea :))
Tabletop Tic Tac Toe DIY
I don't know why, but it took me a while to get into the "coffee table decor" area. I've only recently started collecting a few fun coffee table books to keep out for guests to look through, but I really like having little things like that out to help make my living room a more welcoming area. ...
This is so genius! Often times I've wondered if investing time and money on diy-ing things is worth it - this makes it easier to choose your diy projects wisely. Thanks for sharing!
How Did that Hold Up? (Round Two)
Last October we shared an update on how well some of the DIY projects we've shared on this site held up over time. You can see that post here. We thought we'd update you on a few more projects that we've lived with for a while. First up is this feather pendant light. It has seen over a year of ...
Denise is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 17, 2015
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