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Eric Snyder
Seacoast, NH
Interests: Snowboarding, Bicycling, Movies, MMA, Working out, NASCAR, INDY, F1, PS3..
Recent Activity
We all want more Avatar, but I think some of you are going too far with what the next Avatar should be. I think we all should just let JC work his MAGIC ! Put your trust in him, that the next movie will be as good or even better than the first. He has only done the finest movie ever, it will be extremely difficult to top the first Avatar. Anything is better than nothing, everyone has ideas as to what it should be, but this is his baby, we're just along for the ride
Toggle Commented Jan 9, 2010 on AVATAR Sequel and Details Confirmed at Avatar Blog
They look like some insects wings to me, you can see the viens like a dragonfly wing.
Eric Snyder added a favorite at AVATAR
Jan 9, 2010
We all want more Avatar, but I think some of you are going too far with what the next Avatar should be. I think we all should just let JC work his MAGIC ! Put your trust in him, that... Continue reading
Posted Jan 9, 2010 at AVATAR
I think we all should just let JC work his MAGIC ! Put your trust in him, that the nest movie will be as good or even better than the first. Anything is better than nothing, every one has ideas as to what it should be, but this is his baby, we're just along for the ride !
Toggle Commented Jan 9, 2010 on AVATAR Sequel and Details Confirmed at Avatar Blog
Sam Worthington has been quoted that he has already signed for 2 more Avatar movies. & JC has been quoted saying that in his mind this will be a trilogy ! I hope it doesn't take another 5 years, I am going to view 3D I-Max a second time this weekend !
Sam Worthington has been quoted that he has already signed for 2 more Avatar movies. & JC has been quoted saying that in his mind this will be a trilogy ! I hope it doesn't take another 5 years, I am going to view 3D I-Max a second time this weekend !
This video interview get a little in depth. 27 minutes !
Has any one seen a winners list for the Free tickets & other Avatar stuff for posting on TypePad ? I love to go for a 3rd time for free ! Continue reading
Posted Jan 2, 2010 at AVATAR
If you are running Windows 7 - MS has a full free theme download !
Toggle Commented Jan 2, 2010 on No title at AVATAR
I did not find this though any Avatar link/search, I just happen to find it when I was looking at what MS had for new themes. I've had since Thanksgiving, I did add a few other photos from Avatar that I got from (downloads) & add to the ones from MS ! My guess is that it might work with Vista as well as they share the same code backbone. Worth a try, worst that can happen is it just will not work.
This way more than a movie, it bring a sort of awareness (awakening) to our minds & subconscious ! You have made a lot of in depth thoughts, maybe the world will realize what we are doing to mother earth !
What does every one think about 3D for home theater ? The first gen of 3D TVs are already out (Samsung & Panasonic) ! I am on my 2nd HDTV, I just got used to my 42" plasma & had to go bigger -50" ! While I would love to get the 3D DVD version, I never buy first gen equipment - always wait until 3rd gen at least (learned my lesson with Laser Disc !), to work out bugs & drop in price ! We will not see 3rd gen Bluray player for 2 1/2 -3 years, by then we will be able to get the box set - Avatar & Avatar 2 !
Toggle Commented Dec 29, 2009 on AVATAR on DVD (and 3D DVD) at Avatar Blog
I read once that there are only 100 plots ever used though out history & every book, story & movie is just another version of the main plots!
I rent first too ! Best buy has a $5 cupon you can ptint from (in store only)
Sam Worthington has been quoted that he has already signed for 2 more Avatar movies. & JC has been quoted saying that in his mind this will be a trilogy ! I hope it doesn't take another 5 years, I am going to view 3D I-Max a second time this weekend !
What does every one think about 3D for home theater ? Check out DVD link above. The first gen of 3D TVs are already out (Samsung & Panasonic) ! I am on my 2nd HDTV, I just got used to... Continue reading
Posted Dec 28, 2009 at AVATAR
The first gen of 3D TVs are already out (Samsung & Panasonic) in stores ! I am on my 2nd HDTV, I just got to used to my 42" plasma & had to go bigger -50" ! While I would love to get the 3D DVD version, I never buy first gen equipment - always wait until 3rd gen at least (learned my lesson with Laser Disc !), to work out bugs & drop in price ! We will not see 3rd gen Bluray player for 2 1/2 -3 years, by then we will be able to get the box set - Avatar & Avatar 2 !
Toggle Commented Dec 28, 2009 on AVATAR on DVD (and 3D DVD) at Avatar Blog
They look almost identical to some ocan coral, but like you said much smaller. JC has spent a lot of time diving, the look of Pandora is much like the dying coral reefs- so diversed in different life !
Toggle Commented Dec 23, 2009 on No title at AVATAR
Sam Worthington has been quoted that he has already signed for 2 more Avatar movies. & JC has been quoted saying that in his mind this will be a trilogy ! I hope it doesn't take another 5 years, I am going to view 3D I-Max a second time this weekend !
3D I-Max ! Only way to go !
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