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Eric Detrick
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Eric Detrick is now following From Cow Pastures To Kosovo
Sep 23, 2011
Thank you for this awesome dedication. I was the medic at Firebase Vegas who worked on SFC Ski. Not a day goes by that I don't think of him. This day, every year, I look back on what happened. I still question my treatment on him, but I know I did everything I possibly could to help him. He was one tough soldier! He worked us into the ground between patrols, on extremely hot days. Because of him, our firebase went from very little protection, to the FB being surrounded by gun towers and barriers. All of the hardwork paid off. We hated it at the time but it saved countless lives. I will never forget him. I'm just sorry I couldn't do more to help him. Rest in peace Matt. Very Respectfully Eric "Doc D" Detrick
Eric Detrick is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 23, 2011