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Hey Joe,
I'm playing with a PMC I created via excel using overall workout perceived exertion multiplied by workout duration in minutes. Heard about this idea from Paolo Sousa.
For people who don't have a power meter or training peaks, this seems like the next best method.
What is your opinion of the weakness(es) of this method?
Also, how does strength training fit into the PMC paradigm? Although it isn't a big cardiovascular stressor, it certainly does introduce an element of fatigue into the equation.
Managing Training Using TSB
I’ve posted a few times here on how you can use the Performance Management Chart to manage your training with topics on CTL (“fitness”), ATL (“fatigue”), and TSB (“form”). If you are unfamiliar with these three TrainingPeaks terms you can find brief definitions here. A topic I’ve never written a...
Ericj076 is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 1, 2016
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