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Kiwi girl
Recent Activity
I am only a month and a half behind...but I have been to several fun places in the last few months so it's time to catch up! Thailand was at the end of February- I flew into Singapore to meet up with Matt who had been there on business. Our... Continue reading
Posted Apr 13, 2012 at manawa kai tūtae
Aussie adventures with Peaches
As the summer winds down here in New Zealand, a very exciting three months for me is on its way. What an experience to simultanously love where I am at and have amazing times ahead...every day! Life should always be this way. I leave for Thailand on saturday to meet... Continue reading
Posted Feb 22, 2012 at manawa kai tūtae
4 strokes of good luck
Welcome 2012! Happy New Year to all. I hope you had a great one. I spent mine with some fantastic people from the hospital (and not) on Waiheke island, a holiday island 30 min ferry ride from Auckland. Best New Years in years. We had a big fun house party.... Continue reading
Posted Jan 23, 2012 at manawa kai tūtae
10 KG was heavy enough. I was eating my food and drinking my water as fast as possible so I didn't have to carry it once I realized I brought too much. I don't want to think about adding another 10 pounds!
Perseverance in the Abel Tasman
I haven’t always been the most patient person. In the past if I had planned a trip such as the trip I took last weekend to Abel Tasman Park on the south island, and there was the worst rain storm and floods in 100 years, and I was told the park was closed to hikers, I probably would have canc...
Perseverance in the Abel Tasman
I haven’t always been the most patient person. In the past if I had planned a trip such as the trip I took last weekend to Abel Tasman Park on the south island, and there was the worst rain storm and floods in 100 years, and I was told the... Continue reading
Posted Dec 28, 2011 at manawa kai tūtae
coming about
Coming about: to change course so as to be sailing at the same angle but with the wind on the other side. Not only is this pertinent in that I have started to learn to sail this week, but the definition also reminds me of my purpose in being here.... Continue reading
Posted Dec 1, 2011 at manawa kai tūtae
Mutton but I made a leg of lamb for dinner the other day as it is cheaper than chicken here! I found a beer called schneider weisse- I am sure it is imported from germany...havent tried it yet. The beer here is not very good, just your standard lagers, not hoppy at all...I guess we are spoiled in that way in the US.
Good on ya! The first week in New Zealand
I finally made it. After months of planning, packing, endless paperwork, permits...I am here! It was a bittersweet goodbye to all my friends in family in Portland and the flight from PDX to SFO was rough. Even though I went to college in Eugene (go ducks), I have never REALLY lived far away from...
Good on ya! The first week in New Zealand
I finally made it. After months of planning, packing, endless paperwork, permits...I am here! It was a bittersweet goodbye to all my friends in family in Portland and the flight from PDX to SFO was rough. Even though I went to college in Eugene (go ducks), I have never REALLY... Continue reading
Posted Nov 19, 2011 at manawa kai tūtae
Kiwi girl is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 19, 2011
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