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Erin Sullivan
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Superbowl Commercials.
To be honest, I thought this year’s Super Bowl commercials as a whole were not good. In order for a commercial to be good, in my opinion, it has to stick in my mind. And I find myself only remembering one, maybe two. It seems companies may want to start... Continue reading
Posted Apr 26, 2011 at Erin Sullivan's blog
College Admission Process
In response to Barry Scwartz's essay, I completely agree and can relate with the fact that teenagers face one of the most stressful times of their lives when facing the college admission process. I speak on behalf of all high school seniors when I say that it is truly overwhelming... Continue reading
Posted Apr 14, 2011 at Erin Sullivan's blog
Rachel, I completely agree with everything you said. Betty Makoni is a true hero, and that is why I chose her too. She was a rape victim, alone that is hard enough to overcome and grow from it. Not everyone can overcome such an horrific experience, such as she has, but she has become a role model for many other girls. She has already saved 35,00 girls in the last ten years, those numbers are ridiculous.
I also loved that you mentioned that you believe it is very selfish of the men in Africa, when you said that they believe having sex with a woman will cure their aids. I completely agree with you that it is very selfish and cruel. Passing on a disease, as serious as that, is very rude, selfish, and cruel. I addressed many of the same points you did.
Protecting the Powerless
From the top ten CNN heroes, Betty Makoni stood out the most to me. I believe protecting the powerless is one of the greatest acts of human kindness, and she is doing just that. As the founder of the Girl Child Network, she has provided a safe haven for girls who have been sexually...
CNN Hero
A hero is a man or women who has courage, and is admired for his or her brave deeds. If I was to vote for one person to win the top 10 for the category of a hero, I would choose Betty Makoni. She fits the definition of a hero... Continue reading
Posted Apr 8, 2011 at Erin Sullivan's blog
Amanda, I thought you did a great job on your blog. You addressed your point very well and made good references to the article, USA Today. I have to completely agree with you, when you say many are observing what are going on in their homes. Financially, many parents are doing poorly with money because we are in a major recession. Gas prices rise every other day and nothing is easier. Children, teenagers, even adults are spending their money on useless stuff, such as, fast food. I believe no one really knows how to manage money and only taking a financing course could help. I believe this course would show teenagers why not to spend money on pointless things.
I one hundred percent believe a finance course is...
I one hundred percent believe a finance course is necessary to students in high school. For one, the high school years are those in which teens become independent by beginning to pay for personal activities or obtaining a job. If one is unaware or irresponsible with such independence, it can grea...
Should We Have Financing Classes?
As far as requiring students to take a course on financial lessons goes, I believe it is a good idea. How many people leave high school and are ready to accept the responsibilities of being an adult? We are all usually eighteen by then and many of us are going... Continue reading
Posted Mar 28, 2011 at Erin Sullivan's blog
Lily I completely agree with you and I made many of the same points in my blog. I believe that the disaster in Haiti is incredibly tragic, but we cannot be completely responsible for everything that has happened there.
As a world power, the United States has the duty to aid those less fortunate. I believe that Americans should do all that they can to help the Haitians recover from this disaster. The focus should be on getting the country back on its feet; however, long-term aid is rarely a good idea. If the United States gets too involved in the long term there is a possibility that Haiti could become too dependent. The best option is to help Haiti deal with the immediate effects of the disaster, such as providing food, water, shelter, medical care, etc.
Caring for them long-term will not help them, but could get them angry in the future. It could get them angry because if something else disastrous happens and we are not there to help out, they may get angry. I believe we both made many of the same points and I have to say I completely agree with you. Although, I have not seen the aftermath of what is happening in Haiti now, I did not follow up on it. When they were in complete poverty and had nothing, I did donate some supplies. I did not donate too much, but I did donate what I could. My uncle is very involved with Haiti, so I gave him a case of water and some supplies. He delivered a lot of supplies to Haiti and I believe all the Haitian’s appreciated it.
Earthquake in Haiti
I do not consent with the idea that America should be responsible for the disaster took place in Haiti. As an independent nation, Haiti should confront this problem by them. Of course, it may need certain amount of support but not political intervene. The United State government can send necessa...
AID to Haiti
The tragedy in Haiti brings to light a serious problem in our world today. There are hundreds of poverty stricken countries that, given a serious catastrophe such as the earth quake, would see a much larger number of casualties than a wealthier country with resources to respond to an issue... Continue reading
Posted Mar 21, 2011 at Erin Sullivan's blog
Chris L. Doyle Article Review
I strongly agree with this article. Reading this article, I thought there was no adults in today’s world that understood how much stress teenagers are under. We, as high school students, are expected to be able to maintain a good G.P.A, excel in sports, work, and volunteer. Each day we... Continue reading
Posted Mar 1, 2011 at Erin Sullivan's blog
Top Inventions
While looking at the new top inventions I found one that interested me the most and that was the Antro. It is a superefficient, super cheap car that could put Western manufacture to shame. The Antro Solo can hold up to three people, a driver and two passengers, one on... Continue reading
Posted Feb 28, 2011 at Erin Sullivan's blog
Childhood Toys
My favorite childhood toy was a doll name Molly, from the show the Big Comfy Couch. For some reason she had a lot of meaning to me, at this point in my life I do not know why. I received this doll when I was two years old and was... Continue reading
Posted Feb 28, 2011 at Erin Sullivan's blog
Your toys were the typical childhood toys. Every child usually has a stuffed animal, that their parents try and give away, but most children never will accept the new toy. I was not a very big Barbie player, but my sister was, so I definitely know how it works. Chelsea and her had a bunch of Barbie toys, cars, houses, pools, tents, etc. They set up an entire room full of Barbie accessories and played with them. As you know, I was mostly a tom boy lol, but I did play with some barbies lol.
My Favorite Toy
I had many childhood toys growing up, I would go through different phases of playing with different types of toys. My favorite toy was all my Barbie dolls. I loved dressing up my Barbie’s and doing their hair. I was the little girl that whenever a new doll came out I had to get it along with the...
David, I believe you make a lot of great points. You are a very intelligent young man and a student athlete yourself. I discussed a lot of the same points you did in your response, because i think it is absolutely ridiculous. I believe their is sometimes acceptable leeway for an athlete because they do not get home until 10 or 11 o'clock. When they get home they have to shower, eat, and do homework. I can see how this is very stressful for an athlete because you are bombarded by a lot at one time.
I still believe that there is no acceptance for cheating. If they are working hard in a certain sport to achieve as much as they could, they can put just as much work into school. School is where one is going to get an education and eventually have a job, unless a person knows they are going pro. There are certain people who just need to remain a certain G.P.A because they know that they are going pro. This is a great feeling to have, I can imagine, because they do not have to put as much work into school because they are happy where they are.
Each college athlete has certain rules to follow, taking drug tests, keeping a certain G.P.A, certain body weight for some, and many other. I am not saying that college athletes do not have a lot of stress, but they have just as much stress as a student studying law or medicine. There are people who have tried all through high school to remain a certain G.P.A and strive to get on the honor roll so they can go to a division 1 school just to study at. Getting a free ride because you are good at sports and do not have the grade requirements for the school is totally unfair.
Student Athletes
Student athletes across America have been accused of cheating both athletically and academically. There have been many accusations of teachers helping athletes to do better in school so that they would be able to play their sport of choice. I personally think that this is completely ludicrous an...
I believe that no one should be treated...
I believe that no one should be treated differently when it comes to academics. Students who do not take the time to prepare for a test, because they had a game the night before, should be able to have it postponed to the next day or take it the day... Continue reading
Posted Feb 11, 2011 at Erin Sullivan's blog
Each teacher has a different teaching style, some...
Each teacher has a different teaching style, some successful and others no so much. I have had many useful teachers and many teachers who have not helped me at all. I am a student who learns hands on and if I need guidance while completing assignments, I expect I will... Continue reading
Posted Jan 31, 2011 at Erin Sullivan's blog
Alex, I completely agree with everything you have said in this blog. Will Smith has been one of my favorite actors since I was young. I love that you said he is raising his children to be just like him, because it is so true. You see him and his little boy, Jaden, in Pursuit of Happiness relay a very powerful message. Also his daughter, Willow Smith, has come out with the song “Whip my hair.”
Although, I dislike the Jonas Brothers music, I completely agree with what you said about Nick Jonas. I went to a diabetes camp for several years, because my sister is a diabetic. Seeing what they have to go through every day just to survive is very hard to imagine. My sister cried for the first two years saying “Why me?” A lot of younger children must say this when they are diagnosed with such a disease. I remember one night when my sister did not eat a meal she had a reaction. Her blood sugar was to low for her function and she blacked out. She had no control over her body or actions. It is very hard to witness something like this.
I believe Nick is doing a very great thing for these children. I have never looked into his brothers and him, but just by reading your blog, it explained a lot. I agree with everything you said, and believe you explained it very well. You are a very good writer by the way.
#9 Celebrity
At first when I read this question the first celebrity that came to my mind was Will Smith. He has ALWAYS been my favorite celebrity and I have been watching him since I was little. I even have a collection of all his movies that I keep separate from the rest. I cannot even explain t...
If I were to choose a celebrity, I would choose...
If I were to choose a celebrity, I would choose Kourtney Kardashian. Kourtney has been through a huge struggle in her life and managed to make out okay. Her family once consisted of her father, Robert Kardashian, her mother, Kris Jenner, her two younger sisters, Khole and Kim, and her... Continue reading
Posted Jan 30, 2011 at Erin Sullivan's blog
“Facebook is a social networking website that is...
“Facebook is a social networking website that is operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc. Since September 2006, anyone over the age of 13 with a valid e-mail address and not residing in one of the countries where it is banned can become a Facebook user. “ When I first... Continue reading
Posted Jan 6, 2011 at Erin Sullivan's blog
Barbie: Blog # 7 Barbie has been in the industries...
Barbie: Blog # 7 Barbie has been in the industries for many years now. When I was younger, I was not one to play with barbie dolls but my sister was. Now my cousin is always playing with Barbie dolls and is inspired by what they do. Barbie is very... Continue reading
Posted Dec 20, 2010 at Erin Sullivan's blog
I would like to thank you for everything you are...
I would like to thank you for everything you are doing for this country. You have taken the time out of your life to protect and save this country. You have a lot of courage for being out there and you deserve a lot of respect. On December 11, 2010... Continue reading
Posted Dec 12, 2010 at Erin Sullivan's blog
Lily! This is very creative and very thoughtful. It is crazy what the soldiers out their are sacraficing. I thought you did a really good job of sending them such a strong, powerful message. Everything you stated was very powerful and realistic. I love the writing style and the way you put everything here! Great Job! :)
Wish You a Happy Chrismas Eve
Your helmet was snug on tight/And yout held on to your gun with all your tight/ There were some gun shots in the distance/ And shout of enemies being captured from resistence/you felt a wave of sweat and damp/Bloody bodies scattered around the battlefield/ You know the war would soon end/But no...
David Barbosa ,
I completely agree with everything you stated in your post. Your organization is very good! Good Job! Now into the good stuff of why I think it was good and why I liked it.
I think a major factor in our society today is saving money, how to use money, and owning a bank account. Money is a major factor in today’s society because everyone these days are very cheap. Teenagers believe that money grows on trees, I bet we all heard that one before. I also agree with your curriculums of cooking and gym. I believe that was very creative and everyone should know how to cook, clean, and push themselves to never give up.
Although I agree with most of your blog, I have to disagree with the politics issue. I disagree with this because I believe we learn about most of this in history class and the news. I know many students today do not watch the news but I do believe most students realize that society is messed up. This could be a good curriculum to have in the LIFE 101 course but I believe that we experience it every day.
Life 101 is a very important class that I think every high school should include. I believe this course should be taken senior year as you are getting ready to move on into the real world. Living on your own at college is a huge wake up call to many, but some teenagers/ adults are ready for it. College puts a very big load on your shoulders, especially if you are studying something like law, PT, or a surgeon. Each child is working hard to get somewhere, but if they do not know how to do things like manage money, pay bills, and own a house many will not make it.
Life 101
I believe that if we were to include a class here at Bishop Connolly in our curriculum that would be titled Life 101, it would include topics such as economics, finances, our world today, problems in the United States, political issues, cooking, and gym. Each topic will help the student intellec...
Many high school students do not try to look...
Many high school students do not try to look outside of school for real-life opportunities such as working, volunteering, and doing sports outside of school. Today, high school students believe going to school is their “job” and they should not have to go out into the working world. They are... Continue reading
Posted Dec 5, 2010 at Erin Sullivan's blog
KAYLA! I completely agree with everything you are saying in this blog. You state that students do not pay attention in class because of texting and instant messaging. It is interesting that some people believe that texting can better ones vocabulary, because we all know today that many do not use correct grammer because we text so often that it gets boring. I also like that you stated that students are using slang words. Slang words are used throughout so many papers because people do not know the proper english word for them. We believe that small words are big words, but most of us look dumb using them becuase we do not know the meaning of them. I also agree that your texting and instant messaging could creatively be used as a learning tool. I believe some could use texting as a tool, but most of us take advantage of it.
Texting and IMing
Both texting and instant messaging have become apart of the lives of many high school students. Many students partake in these two activities on a daily basis. It allows socialization between one another but it also interferes with school and becomes addicting. I know of many people that send a...
Texting and iming
Texting and instant messaging has become very popular among the United States and is used widely. Our generation is always using texting as a way of communicating with friends, parents, and siblings. Many teachers and parents believe that texting has had a major effect on students writing ability. Others also... Continue reading
Posted Nov 22, 2010 at Erin Sullivan's blog
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