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Mrs. Rogers
Recent Activity
I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend and was able to stay safe and warm! Because this week ended up being a short week, I am rescheduling a few of our speech activities. Please see below for changes: WEDNESDAY GROUPS (Social/Pragmatics, Expressive & Receptive Language): 1. Reviewed Classroom Policies, Voice... Continue reading
Posted Jan 12, 2017 at Ms. Rogers
Welcome back, students!!! I hope you and your loved ones enjoyed a well deserved break. The 2nd semester is upon us and it's time to get back to work :-) Thursday groups will be meeting this week. So, Thursday students, keep an eye out for a speech pass to be... Continue reading
Posted Jan 4, 2017 at Ms. Rogers
This is our last week of the first semester which means the winter holidays are just around the corner! At the beginning of the semester I reviewed the Classroom Rules/Policies and Expectations for your students while in speech. I promised them during that first week of speech that they would... Continue reading
Posted Dec 20, 2016 at Ms. Rogers
I hope everyone's first week of school was a success! Students, I enjoyed meeting all of you last week and hope you were able to share the welcome letter with your parents. As we start speech this week, please reference the labels I distributed and asked you to place in... Continue reading
Posted Aug 8, 2016 at Ms. Rogers
I would like to welcome new and returning students to the Speech and Language program at Daniell Middle School. My name is Ms. Rogers and I am the new speech-language pathologist (SLP). I follow in the footsteps of Ms. Bednarz, a fantastic SLP who was an integral part of the... Continue reading
Posted Jul 29, 2016 at Ms. Rogers
Mrs. Rogers is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 29, 2016