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Mar 15, 2010
"There’s no one like her"
Mary was a woman of civility, humor, and grace. It was a gift to have known her. I have two small stories to share. In one, we are in a MCPAWS meeting and I’m presenting something that is a contentious issue and another attendee begins to shout and interrupt me. Mary intervened with a brief comment about civil discourse, given with a smile, and the interruptions ceased. Thank you, Mary. In another, several of us were lamenting the inability to make a left turn during the busy days of summer in McCall when Mary gently reminded us, “Don’t forget, we... Continue reading
Posted Feb 10, 2010 at Celebrating Mary Naylor
April 2007
Mary and her oldest brother, Paul Reed Fisher We were very touched and pleased that Mary traveled to New Hampshire to celebrate our 50th anniversary with us. This photo is of Mary dancing with me at the anniversary party put on for us by daughters Ann and Lisa. --Paul and MaryAnne Fisher Continue reading
Posted Jan 15, 2010 at Celebrating Mary Naylor
"I would give you my heart."
In July of 2008 Kate wrote a piece for a food blog event to raise awareness about organ donation. You can read her story here. --Ann Fisher Continue reading
Posted Jan 15, 2010 at Celebrating Mary Naylor
Mary Margaret Naylor 1940 - 2009
Mary Margaret Naylor of McCall, Idaho passed away on December 26, 2009. Recipient of the 2006 Governor’s “Take Pride in Idaho” Award for Outstanding Achievement in Recreation and Tourism, Ms. Naylor’s passion for sharing recreation activities in Idaho dates back to the late 1960’s, not long after arriving in Idaho from her native California. Mary Naylor was also a lifelong conservationist and environmentalist. Her dedication and connection to the natural world included comprehensive knowledge of Northwestern wildflowers and birds and extended to a love for all creatures, great and small. Mary Naylor’s work in Idaho’s recreation industry and wilderness areas... Continue reading
Posted Jan 15, 2010 at Celebrating Mary Naylor
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