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I really like the project you're creating this month. I've started a similar project on my blog, but am also creating a physical scrapbook, so your layouts really gave me some inspiration. I hope that working on this project has been fun for you, and I can definitely see that its been meaningful. Thanks for taking the time to document the things your thankful for. It's nice to know there's someone else who isn't skipping straight from Halloween to Christmas.
A Period of Gratitude Day 21
I am thankful that my children have got a chance to know their grandparents. Growing up my grandparents lived in different states, so we visited once a year, so I didn't really get to know them. My children are close to their grandparents, and love to visit with them and just talk. They love i...
Eryn is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
That's a Great Dress!
From the moment I spotted it, I knew it was a great dress. A deep purple/royal blue color with ultra-thin spaghetti straps, some sparkly rhinestones running vertically down the breast bone, and a ruffle draping beautifully down the front until the fabric cut across on an angle. When you walk, it flows behind beautifully, never getting caught under heels. I loaned that dress to Melinda last night... My closest girlfriend, Melinda, is an extraordinary person; smart, capable, beautiful, funny, an amazing pharmacist, and above all, an amazing friend. She has been a member of the University of Pittsburgh Marching Band... Continue reading
Posted Feb 1, 2010 at Daily Life = Amazing
The Sweet Beginnings Story
Once Upon a Time... my amazing grandmother and mom started a cake & candy supply store called "Sweet Beginnings." ..... People have started to realize that I can make some really yummy stuff and that their gifts, if purchased from me, can be really unique. Continue reading
Posted Jan 27, 2010 at Daily Life = Amazing
The Sweet Beginnings Story
Once Upon a Time... my amazing grandmother and mom started a cake & candy supply store called "Sweet Beginnings." ..... People have started to realize that I can make some really yummy stuff and that their gifts, if purchased from me, can be really unique. Continue reading
Posted Jan 27, 2010 at Daily Life = Amazing
Outside My Window
Outside my's super cold outside in Pittsburgh. Super big snowflakes fell today, but very little snow actually stayed around. I am thinking... about how much I miss my sweetie. I am thankful for... my best friend Rob, two cute little penguins (Iceburg & Oyster), diet pepsi, my Pottery Barn fleece, Jay Z, From the kitchen... Valentine's Day candy for my Sweet Beginnings Valentine's Day line. Oh and I washed my molds... I am wearing... grey t-shirt, ivory sweatpants & athletic socks. Also my two rings. I am creating... a blog post that is coming really hard. I am going...... Continue reading
Posted Jan 26, 2010 at Daily Life = Amazing
Celebrate: Struggle
I struggle with lots of things. I'm not always a supportive friend. I'm not always a compassionate sister. I'm not always an understanding lover. I don't always use my softer side to relate to people. Sometimes I'm selfish and self absorbed. I spend some time feeling sorry for myself. But this is what I'm celebrating today. Despite the fact that I'm not perfect, that I struggle, and that I constantly have to strive to be better, I'm learning and growing every day. I am embracing the process and celebrating the fact that, despite challenges that seem insurmountable around me, I'm... Continue reading
Posted Jan 8, 2010 at Daily Life = Amazing
Celebrate: Emotions!
Emotions are complicated and difficult to understand sometimes. Lots of times, they are hard to celebrate. Our bad days are ensnared with negative feelings. It's hard to celebrate negative. I had a bad day today... For a few brief moments, I was really, really angry. Anger is an emotion I haven't felt in quite some time. So now, for a story. **I start all my stories that are pre April 2008 with the words, Once Upon a Time. Why I do this, well, that's for another post. Once Upon a Time, I consistently met with a fantastic woman to chat... Continue reading
Posted Jan 7, 2010 at Daily Life = Amazing
Thanks for reading Nicole. This is such a fantastic concept and I'm really excited about it!
Celebrate: Relationships!
For many people I know, there are plenty of things to celebrate: birthdays, anniversaries and holidays. There are family events like the birth of a child or a wedding to commemorate. There are career events, graduations, promotions, and retirements that are cause for congratulations. These are...
Celebrate: Relationships!
For many people I know, there are plenty of things to celebrate: birthdays, anniversaries and holidays. There are family events like the birth of a child or a wedding to commemorate. There are career events, graduations, promotions, and retirements that are cause for congratulations. These are major life events for many people. And most of the time, a celebration of some type occurs. These celebrations usually involve a "party." And honestly, I could skip them. I'm not much of a partier. I always feel forced, like I have to be present at the celebration out of obligation, not because I... Continue reading
Posted Jan 6, 2010 at Daily Life = Amazing
Outside My Window
This is an idea that I love... outside my window. I'll use it when I feel clogged up with thoughts or when I need to jump start my words. It was inspired by The Simple Woman's Day Book and of course, my blog inspiration, Ali Edwards. Outside my is snowing gently here in Pittsburgh. The snow is flaky and puffy and pretty, and I love it. I am thinking... about what I'll do for dinner tonight. I am thankful for... the color pink, my space heater, work study students and my headphones (which allow for tunes at my desk).... Continue reading
Posted Jan 5, 2010 at Daily Life = Amazing
One Little Word
CELEBRATE! For three years now, I've been inspired by Ali Edwards and her "One Little Word" project. As she has embraced the process of choosing a word and then letting it resonate throughout her life, I've been contemplating the idea right along with her. In 2008, peace was my word. Chaos and trauma had consumed 2007 and in my quest for a more peaceful life, I hoped that embracing the word peace would be a catalyst. This didn't happen; in fact the opposite was true. My life exploded in 2008 and peace was nowhere to be found. 2009 didn't get... Continue reading
Posted Jan 3, 2010 at Daily Life = Amazing
Finally Free... Stay Tuned
I'm always looking for a beautiful, eloquently worded first sentence to come spewing from my pen whenever I sit down to write. In terms of eloquence, the sentence you just read is about as good as it gets. In my quest to write a "memoir" I've found two big problems exist. One, I can't find a way to take all the data in my head and convert it into manageable chunks. And two, even if I could synthesize the data, I don't know how to structure the words into readable, entertaining "chapters." The solution has come to me in several... Continue reading
Posted Dec 1, 2009 at Daily Life = Amazing
Eryn is now following Ali Edwards
Sep 27, 2009
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