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Sadly, Hitlery won't have to deny this. No one will ever ask her about it, as the media is totally in her back pocket, right under her Depends.
I'll be surprised if the story continues for more than a day or two, as the media will do all in its power to put the lid on it. Hopefully Donald Trump will mention it often, if that happens the media may have to take notice- but I'll bet they try to ignore it if at all possible.
She is an evil person. God help us all if she somehow gets elected!
will she never understand her culpability in getting people killed .... precisely because every intelligence service in the world read her emails ....
the full extent of hilary*** clinton's arrogance and stupidity will probably never be fully limned, nor comprehended. it never occurred to her, apparently, that every intelligence service in the world mined/was mining her home computer for information. and, it is now apparent that the iranians...
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Aug 8, 2016
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