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Recent Activity
Life happens :) Hope things go smoother....
Looking forward to more inspiration, humor and fresh style when you get a chance.
A Glimpse into the Future
For all of you lovely commenters that said things like "yea, you're back!" when I started picking up my posting schedule, I owe you an apology. I totally fell right off of the edge of the blogosphere again. But, oh the fun that I had while I was away! For a week, I was a PreSchool Parent, a Pa...
I'm not even sure what to say to you after that post. I'm a fairly new reader and had no idea. Amazing what some people go through and still come out with such grace & thankfulness for what they have left.
I can't imagine. Just can't. You are obviously very strong. As is your family.
A friend once told me after a tragic event in our family that everyone has a cross to bear....some are just heavier than others.
Victor Vito
Laurie Berkner's song "Victor Vito" came on and I felt three seconds of pure happiness, and then I could not breathe. It was like the exhilaration of jumping into a wave, then realizing too late that it's too high and too deep. Before you know it, you are going under. It felt like that wav...
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