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What a lovely story. Well done Charlie, you brave brave boy.
The great thing
The kids were riding their bikes in the driveway, a long, smooth stretch of asphalt that slopes down from the street. Charlie was riding down, and Ben was heading up. Charlie was coming down fast, but they were a safe distance apart, and it would have been fine if Ben hadn't suddenly leapt off h...
nope pippi is there!
One of those lovely book lists
Via one of my favourite bookshops, just found the '100 books every child should read' list, originally published in the Telegraph. Although I'm sure it was commissioned by someone else, I can't find the original ownership, and the article referenced doesn't exist on the Royal Society for Literat...
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Mar 15, 2010
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Actually they were books first, for at least 10 years, and only in the last 3 or 4 have become such a brand. I find them a lot more bearable than some of the alternatives.
Pob snippets number 8: the Charlie and Lola edition
Scene: Morning in Mummy and Daddy's bed. Mummy is feeding Junior, Pob is drinking her milk. Pob: I'd like to watch Tubbies please Mummy: Tubbies or Charlie and Lola? Pob: Tubbies Mummy: Ok (turning on the sky plus) Pob: Actually, I'd rather watch Charlie and Lola Mummy --------------------------...
hope things get better soon.
Behind the Silence
Okay, so it's not just my ridiculously busy schedule that's kept me from blogging. Todd and I have some relationship "issues" cropping up, and they're taking a serious toll. For a girl who's willing to draw pen-and-ink sketches of her uterus, write out first-hand narratives of bikini waxes gone...
I'm sorry it's come to this, Julia. I hope the process is as painless as possible.
B is for Bankrupt
See that? That's a spade. I know it is, and so I'm calling it such. A spade is a spade, and operating on a deficit month after month equals bankruptcy. I get it. I made the call yesterday, asking an attorney friend for recommendations so I wasn't just finding someone in the phone book. The...
gorgeous and tres classy. Well done Knox.
A long-necked model
The batteries for the camera arrived with the last grocery order, and so I resolved to honour my promise to at last produce pictures of the ring. Girl Mouse still being in absentia, I decided to enlist the support of another one of Botany's friends, namely Mr Giraffe. Whereupon I discovered two...
Um no, the english word for piles is the equivalent to haemorrhoids. Constipation is just simple constipation!
Packing is hell. You have my every sympathy.
Boxes packed=2
So. This weekend we did not see my mother in law. This weekend we did not go away. We were supposed to start packing this weekend and by-Gd we... did. kinda sorta. Well we have 2 boxes of books packed. And we went through a hell of a lot of stuff. We now have piles. Piles of books t...
Bloglines will let you export your feeds, in fact I wrote a post on that a while back, i'll see if I can find it, but basically you go to the bottom of your feed list, click on export, and put the link in a new typepad list in the comments section. HOpe that works.
Hey, remember when I was posting daily?! Ah, that was fun. Things here have been par for the course in terms of the RCI (Relative Crazy Index). I'm trying to add in some true, quality down time for myself and family, though, so even though my world is not necessarily any more chaotic than it ...
Oh julia I am sorry. I know you loved your house. It must be really really hard to let it go. I hope this turns out to be an important turning point for the family in you establishing the kind of life you really want for you and your girls.
I hate to do it, guys, but this one's gonna be on the whine-y side. Todd and I are most likely going to sell the house. Ugh. I have all sorts of thoughts and explanations that I'd like to put on paper here, but suddenly, I just can't. I don't have the energy to spell it out. We're drowning, a...
I like this one better ;-)
Re classy, I don't think it is true now, but obviously was when we were little. Certainly the hairbands that some people put on babies are a definite no-no, but really I rarely see small girls in hair bows, whatever age, so I think it's just one of my mum's ridiculous prejudices, but not worth falling out over.
pob is due for another haircut so I put a bow in today and she looked adorable for the 25 minutes before she pulled it out and ate it. I will have to go for those elastic thingies someone else was talking about.
To Bang or Not to Bang
[C'mon! Click through if you're viewing on a reader. I've done some redecorating and I need your compliments undying devotion unbiased opinion. Too much? Too simple? Too "mommy"? Too non-specific?] Okay, on to the real topic: Let's talk about Caroline's hair, shall we? What, you didn't thi...
I like the background, but it is very mummy-blogish, quite chirpy. That may be how you're feeling and it corresponds fairly well to how you write now, but it doesn't give the full richness of your blog history and your skills as a photographer, IMO. But that's just me!
I decided to go with hairclips for Pob, but then my mother threw a fit and told me they were unacceptable for babies (it's a class thing I think in the UK) and since I didn't feel that strongly about it we had her hair trimmed and it became instantly a lot more manageable. Although we've had to have it trimmed twice since, so draw your own conclusions!
To Bang or Not to Bang
[C'mon! Click through if you're viewing on a reader. I've done some redecorating and I need your compliments undying devotion unbiased opinion. Too much? Too simple? Too "mommy"? Too non-specific?] Okay, on to the real topic: Let's talk about Caroline's hair, shall we? What, you didn't thi...
Ah Julia, thank you for everything you've been part of in this community. And may 2009 be a wonderful year for you.
"And That Has Made All the Difference"
Five years ago, for better or for worse, I began this blog. I barely knew what the term "blog" meant, and certainly had no knowledge of the finer points of blogging. Indeed, I doubt very much that there even were any "finer points" just yet. But I was - how shall I put it - in a bad way (one n...
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