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Where is the list of winners posted?
Where can I find the list of winners from the Panasonic/Blu-Ray contest?? Continue reading
Posted Jun 10, 2010 at AVATAR
It is difficult to pick one aspect of Avatar that stands out as being the most impressive. The overall film is inventive, original, and culturally significant. The parallels between the concept of Avatar and humanity, both today and in history, illustrate the innate desire to expand our knowledge and the greed that can overcome us. The film showed a true love story while also showing the dualistic nature of good versus evil. It also showed our ability to overcome adversity by standing for what we believe in. While all people may be physically different, we all have the same hopes, dreams, fears and desires. It is not our differences that divide us, it is our inability to accept, recognize, and celebrate those differences. Personally, I most enjoyed the scientific aspect of Avatar. The idea that Pandora is comparative to the human brain with a myriad of networks that are all interconnected is a very fascinating concept. We are all sources of energy. Energy can never be created nor destroyed, but only transferred from one source to another. While Avatar was a more literal representation of that fact, it demonstrated how each living entity has a spirit that is ultimately connected to every living thing around us.
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May 31, 2010
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May 31, 2010