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This was an amazing learning experience for me. It came in the most unusual way and at a totally unexpected time. Tonight, Church on the Move hosted the first of 8 "Celebrate with Family" Christmas Services - and for an opening night it was a huge success! The building was PACKED before the auditorium ever opened and people just kept coming. It was the single biggest crowd we've ever hosted in one service. For me, It was an unbelievably exciting night. Certainly the most incredible part was after the service had started. I had been all over the building watching... Continue reading
Posted Dec 19, 2009 at ethanvanse
ethanvanse is now following Kent Shaffer
Dec 18, 2009
Ha. Wasn't planning on it, just got it stuck in my head last night and so I thought I'd check it out, and Bam - Done!
ethanvanse is now following Whitney George
Dec 18, 2009
ethanvanse is now following Toneia Mayes
Dec 18, 2009
ethanvanse is now following greg elwick
Dec 18, 2009
Everything you say will be used against you. I am a private person. I love my family and I have a special place in my heart for my home. I enjoy being a dad to my two boys Owen & Wyatt more than I can say and I'm the world's best husband...and as you can tell by that statement I'm an optimist. Not the official kind of optimist, I have no idea what they do in their clubs, just the general kind of "I love life and you should too" optimist. My problem is that while I'm a private and... Continue reading
Posted Dec 17, 2009 at ethanvanse
ethanvanse is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 17, 2009