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I pay attention to the convergence of the social sciences, information technology, and management strategy. And feed the Lake Merritt waterfowl. Now editing Skype Journal[1] for Reef9 Media. [1]
Interests: <b>My inner geek.</b> Nanoscience, nanotech, software engineering, computer science, complexity, chaos, information architecture.<p><b>My inner poet. </b>Blogging, cinema, cognitive science, science fiction, writing, philosophy, music scores, travel. Love, sex, politics. <p><b>My inner CEO. </b>Knowledge management, human capital, leadership, strategy, project management, organization design, product management, labor markets, economics, product marketing.
Recent Activity
Ah, great minds. Same, with a little more connective tissue and a gratuitous group hug.
Phil Wolff is now following Ed Vielmetti
Aug 14, 2013
I really wish they had APIs for the mashup crowd. Not just integration with existing restaurant management systems but a real platform. Couldn't you see something like a Tungle+OpenTable mashup? OT+EventBrite? OT+Plancast? Their mobile app should be able to import a calendar event from Outlook or Google Calendar to see the time, place, and who is coming. I saw a brilliant airplane reservation system UI today at, so there is definitely room for improvement in OpenTable's user experience. If OT isn't surprising its users (on both sides of the reservation) with delightful improvements every quarter, an upstart should steal or redefine their business. Hard to sustain, but that's the game.
Phil Wolff is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
On2 is also known for delivering High Quality (640x480@30fps) Skype video. This may have little to do with YouTube and lots to do with Google's Talk/Voice/Wave live conversation services. That, and bringing codec level talent in-house.
1 reply
Phil Wolff is now following Anil Dash
Jul 28, 2009
Phil Wolff is now following btrott
Jul 28, 2009