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New Zealand
I am an American-Kiwi. I live in New Zealand with my husband.I write sci-fi and fantasy and I am also a staff writer for the online magazine, Harlots’ Sauce – in which I write political, social and cultural commentary.
Interests: I love funnel cakes, orca whales and Star Trek. I play the piano, violin, percussion and bass guitar. I can’t survive in a world without books, music, movies, stuffed animals, real animals, airplanes or sound-reduction headphones. I love learning languages. My fantasy dinner party (with an ever-expanding guest list) would include Tamora Pierce, Mae Jemison, Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett, Dr. Alvito Carrasco (my dad), Carl Sagan, Nelson Mandela, Lucy Stone, Harriet Tubman, Elisabeth I, Leonardo DaVinci, and Hypatia. I’m never bored.
Recent Activity
Greta: The first thing I want to say is that while I was reading your truly awesome post (and I don't mean that in valley-girl speak), one of the first things I did was look up how candy canes actually originated. Lol! I always enjoy reading your blog, but I don't recall commenting until now. I also want to say thank you for writing this. Much of my anger came after I realized that I was an atheist, and you have masterfully articulated that anger in this post. I'm glad you decided to blow your top, so to speak - and as eloquently as you have. Your point about the "not the true faith" argument particularly resonates with me. I cannot tell you how many times I come across this. I think it is one of the most infuriating statements a person can make to me right now. Sam Harris has a lot to say about those people in the middle of the religious spectrum, and about how they are just as much to blame for all the things you mentioned in your post that infuriate us. Of course, it is the people in this demographic who most often use this line of flawed reasoning. Thank you Greta, again. And, I'll be sharing this.
Toggle Commented Oct 12, 2010 on Atheists and Anger at Greta Christina's Blog
1 reply
paikea is now following Greta Christina
Oct 12, 2010
paikea is now following MarkSimmons
Sep 13, 2010
paikea is now following She Walked Away
Sep 13, 2010
hey there:) - i have no idea how i'm actually "following" you - but when i pressed the button, it did what it was supposed to do - lol! - in anycase, i can login as me from WP and comment, so that's good in other news, my mom just convinced my step-dad to convert to Catholicism - i'm facing a certain amount of sanctimoniousness and preaching when i get back to the states to visit in Dec. - my husband is refusing to come with me (they already had words last time, and it wasn't pretty) - lol! - i wish it were that easy for me to avoid!- i totally agree with you - it all generally comes down to the Golden Rule (which incidentally, dates back to the Code of Hammurabi) - i go with that - it's simple and makes sense:) - and i don't need religion to behave towards others in the manner i wish to be treated:)
Toggle Commented Sep 11, 2010 on Why Religion was Invented at Jack D Capehart's blog
paikea is now following Jack D Capehart
Sep 10, 2010
hey bobbie:) - we were in Korea visiting friends in June - there is a teahouse in Insadong i love - these are great pics:)
paikea is now following Account Deleted
Sep 5, 2010
hey - since i can't remember anything due to all the blog moving craziness (why, VOX, why!) - i'm posting you my new address again:) - i've had a WP account for a while, but never thought i'd ever have to blog on it, hence the different name - gah! - so, i'm still paikea (, i'm just on WP now
paikea is now following Bobbie
Sep 5, 2010
paikea is now following The Typepad Team
Sep 4, 2010