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Reminds me of the 150 foreign policy 'thinkers' who signed the anti-Trump memo, when most had been vociferous supporters of the Iraq War
51 neocons at State want another Iraq
"More than 50 State Department officials signed an internal memo protesting U.S. policy in Syria, calling for targeted U.S. military strikes against the regime of Bashar al-Assad and urging regime change as the only way to defeat ISIS. The cable says that U.S. policy in the Middle East has be...
It might by at Kerry's behest
Open Thread - 16 June 2016
What's the thinking on Syria? Pivots and decision points are in the air.
We have Turkey pulling support for rebels that threaten Assad's capacity to quash an autonomous Syrian Kurdistan. The Sultan has realized he's made a long list of enemies - Russia, Iran, Israel, Egypt, Syria, Kurds, the US, and the EU. Meanwhile, Russia has resumed bombing around Aleppo as Kerry fulminates about their favourite fundies being promoted to their sky virgin loft. Shortly prior, the Russian, Iranian, and Syrian defence ministers met to discuss The Plan. The Russian MOD's assessment of the talks was brief. It's possible Iran is having a big 'What's the plan?' moment with Putin, being especially suspicious of talks between Russia and the West. Russian media has been murmuring lately that the pro-Assad ground forces have insufficient clout to take Raqqa or achieve the total victory preferred by Iran.
My belief is that the Russians started talking to the US because (a) they want to force the US to walk back on its grand isolation ploy (b) expose the fact the US cannot produce moderate head choppers they are prepared to showcase before the world, and (c) avoid a quagmire by keeping diplomatic options open. Whatever the case, current pro-Assad ground forces lack the strength to make significant gains in short order unless this Turkey business turns out to be a game changer. There's no sign of the US backing down or Russia abandoning support for Assad, so we could be settling in for a Long War now that the SAA has reached the end of its logistical tether.
Open Thread - 16 June 2016
I wouldn't bet on Euro women voting for anything but the status quo legitimated by the Official Narrative. Look at the recent Austrian Presidential elections. Women overwhelming plumped for the Austria hating Green party candidate, while men voted for the Freedom Party.
Thoughts on Syria - 7 June, 2016
1. Unless the US JCS are once again "off the reservation" and talking to the Russians behind the backs of the Obamanites, I don't think there is much effective coordination between the US and Russia over Syria other than the flight de-confliction regime. 2. The flight de-confliction regime...
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Jun 7, 2016
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