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Bonnie Jones
Western Washington
Recent Activity
Bonnie Jones added a favorite at amy kolz
May 4, 2012
Bonnie Jones added a favorite at amy kolz
Apr 3, 2012
Bonnie Jones added a favorite at amy kolz
Feb 15, 2012
Ah, I love this story, Amy! I completely understand. I've kept my Florida license throughout our military moves, hating the thought of letting it I'd be cutting myself off from "home" or something. Now my husband's enlistment is ending and I have no idea where I'll be in a few months when that license expires. sure is a journey!
{fearless fridays} life's a journey & i have a new license to prove it
for the first time in my life, i have a driver’s license from a state other than ohio. and i’m not going to lie, the whole process freaked me out a little bit. i’m sort of embarrassed to admit that i’ve gotten married and changed my name with less anxiety than i felt giving up my o...
Bonnie Jones added a favorite at amy kolz
Jan 18, 2012
Bonnie Jones added a favorite at amy kolz
Dec 12, 2011
Bonnie Jones added a favorite at amy kolz
Nov 30, 2011
Gorgeous! You are one lucky lady, and I know you know it!
sometimes i forget just how much there is to see
Bonnie Jones added a favorite at amy kolz
Oct 20, 2011
Congrats! That is awesome. One of the reasons I follow your blog is how open you are about the business side of being an artist - thanks!
day 29 :: i'm writing a book
It's official! I'm writing a book through F + W Media, and it will be available under their North Light title September 2012. Since I shared the signing of my fabric line contract with you, I thought I'd continue the tradition and share the signing of the book publishing contract too. Almost ...
What a full day, just overflowing with goodness. There's nothing better. So many good photos in this post! The red sky is gorgeous and the mix of oaks, magnolias, and palm trees in the cemetery tugs at my heart and makes me miss Florida.
a serendipitous saturday
today was one of those days that was filled with synchronicity and surprises… a day that began at the local farmers market, a place that always makes me feel wide awake to life. after buying a few things and sipping coffee in the sunshine, i walked to a small cemete...
Thanks for the reminder today (I tend to make following my heart much more complicated!) Love the last photo especially.
three easy steps to following your heart
{1} listen to that little voice inside {2} just be yourself {3} let imagination lead the way butterfly wings optional
Blog on the move
Once again, this blog is on the move! Starting tomorow, you can find me back at Wordpress. Right here: Continue reading
Posted Sep 13, 2011 at Explore Daily
Oh, that's great news Barb. So it looks like most photos can be found?
One day last week I visited Bloedel Reserve on nearby Bainbridge Island. I had a sinus infection hanging around and I'm sure that the walk along the cool green paths began my recovery. It was so refreshing.
One day last week I visited Bloedel Reserve on nearby Bainbridge Island. I had a sinus infection hanging around and I'm sure that the walk along the cool green paths began my recovery. It was so refreshing. Continue reading
Posted Sep 12, 2011 at Explore Daily
No, I think they belonged to a brides maid. They got left behind. Yes, it was fun.
After the wedding...
After the wedding...
Continue reading
Posted Sep 9, 2011 at Explore Daily
I know Barb, I thought of you when I posted that photo.
Victoria, we're having our best summer weather right now here in Washington so I'm crossing my fingers that it lasts into fall.
A Summer Haze
A few photos of Samish Island from earlier in the summer.
A Summer Haze
A few photos of Samish Island from earlier in the summer. Continue reading
Posted Sep 7, 2011 at Explore Daily
Follow the path into the fog...
"By persisiting in your path, though you forfeit the little, you gain the great."
Ralph Waldo Emerson Continue reading
Posted Sep 5, 2011 at Explore Daily
Quiet Visitors
There's a family of deer in the neighborhood. I've yet to get a photo of the whole group. What a pleasure to catch a glimpse of brown through the window, and then watch them quietly poke around. Continue reading
Posted Sep 3, 2011 at Explore Daily
So inspiring, Amy! Congratulations on making it there.
{fearless fridays} writing my life
this isn’t a great picture of me but i love it anyways. it was taken by my son who impatiently snapped it while i was brushing my windblown hair from my eyes, and then refused to take another one. when i complained. in his defense, it was incredibly hot and we had a truck f...
Hanging on to summer...
Hanging on to summer... Continue reading
Posted Sep 1, 2011 at Explore Daily
Last installment of D-Day Ohio photos! The finale of the weekend was the reenactment of the beach invasion. The reenactors did a brilliant job.
Continue reading
Posted Aug 30, 2011 at Explore Daily
La Fiere Bridge Battle
Another installment of photos from Conneaut, Ohio's D-Day Reenactment. Before the beach invasion, the reenactors staged two smaller Normandy battles that also occured on June 6, 1944. Continue reading
Posted Aug 29, 2011 at Explore Daily
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