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Put simply: madcap.
Recent Activity
Ezra added a favorite at hello typepad
May 20, 2013
My reaction to this was a bit of, "He was still alive?"
It's true that Google's strategy has changed over the years, but I'm surprised at this reaction in a category where NetNewsWire is still the undisputed leader.
Google's Turn to the Dark Side
According to BuzzFeed, Google Reader Still Drives Far More Traffic Than Google+: According to data from the BuzzFeed Network, a set of tracked partner sites that collectively have over 300 million users, Google Reader is still a significant source of traffic for news — and a much larger one th...
Ezra added a favorite at hello typepad
Dec 15, 2012
I don't know about rice cakes.
It's the Weekend
The hottest new app is The Awl: Weekend Companion. It's got voting machines by Maria Bustillos, cooking for Sandy refugees by Emily Gould, original artwork, the guy who wrote the OTHER Cloud Atlas, the Y2K bug, the backstory of the "gerbilling" myth, video game characters publicly shaming Mike T...
Ezra added a favorite at hello typepad
Nov 29, 2012
Ezra added a favorite at hello typepad
Nov 29, 2012
That oyster piece was great! Hurrah for biologists. Glad to hear you guys are warm, dry, and hydrated.
Sandy Update
We are lucky to have power, internet access, cell service and water. I would say most of our friends are without at least two of those, and thankfully almost everyone we've checked in with has water. Also getting sporadic reports of landlines being out, but for the most part that seems to remain...
Or . . . Is it . . . ?
Notes from Flight VX29
Here are a subset of thoughts that happened as my flight was delayed, until the current moment, where I have about four remaining hours until we touch down in San Francisco. Bring back the Live Blog, I say! Can't keep my purse under my seat. Had to stow it three aisles away. Anxiety hums aroun...
You can't boycott Texas. It's not trying to sell you anything.
Notes from Flight VX29
Here are a subset of thoughts that happened as my flight was delayed, until the current moment, where I have about four remaining hours until we touch down in San Francisco. Bring back the Live Blog, I say! Can't keep my purse under my seat. Had to stow it three aisles away. Anxiety hums aroun...
"Apple announced that an RSS server was going to be built into every desktop that year, and I was thrilled." Nice-uh.
Forehead Time
Apple bloggers are all atwitter over the apparently significant amount of unannounced ("TBA)" conference sessions at Apple's annual dorkapalooza (WWDC) next week. I am attending this year1 and so I too have wondered, what is TBA? I have some ideas. Facetime will finally be Facetime, not Forehe...
Ezra added a favorite at nataliepo
May 9, 2012
Talked me into it.
The Avengers
The New Yorker: This mania is what Marvel followers have hungered for, and it would be fruitless to deny their delight. As Loki says to a crowd of earthlings, ‘It is the unspoken truth of humanity that you crave subjugation.’ We do, Master, we do. 'I aim to misbehave,’ Malcolm Rey...
Shows something about the knee-jerk reporting of science, for sure!
Faster-Than-Light Neutrino Results Was a Loose Cable
Whoops! I hate to say I told you so but it looks like the reports last year of neutrinos that traveled 60ns faster than the speed of light were an anomaly caused by some fiber optic cable that wasn't properly plugged in. I suppose it says something about the sensitivity
This is good.
But looks fishy! Why is there nothing off the main drags? And the points are connected—how did they do that, and what does it mean?
Is this the structure of New York City?
I love this Straupian map made up of 10,000 NYC-based tweet locations on top of an Open Street Map rendering of New York City. A few quick observations: Staten Island gets cropped off! Lots of New Jersey though. I would have assumed Broadway would be the boldest stroke on the map, but not qui...
No Arbiters, Please
Today on, a correction: An earlier version of this article misspelled the given name of Wordnik’s cheif executive. He is Joe Hyrkin, not Joel." Emphasis mine. I wonder if this isn't a sly nod to McKean's Law: "Any correction of the speech or writing of others will contain at least ...
It smells of dead people?
+1 sippey's panel.
vote for my panel
I'm leading a panel discussion at an event in a few weeks, and I was asked if I would need anything above and beyond the usual (projector, mics, etc.). And since I'm regularly asked to lead panel discussions, I thought I'd share my rider in the spirit of making *your* panels better...and easier t...
Ezra added a favorite at The Winter Webb
Aug 12, 2011
Ezra added a favorite at hello typepad
Aug 11, 2011
Yikes! Scariest hospital story I've heard yet.
Great job coming through it all OK. Hope to see you guys & the new one sometime soon.
Safely here
Wow. They say each birth is different but I think we got quite the example of that. It took me several days to piece together what happened, as I emerged from somewhat of a twilight zone, recovering from surgery, but holding a healthy beautiful girl. It's been taking time to emotionally proces...
Disagree that animated gifs were originally a form of video. Form of gimmick. This kind of thing, though, is a form of video.
Artsy animated GIFs
via Animated GIFs were the poor man's video back when bandwidth was limited or when you really wanted people to visualize your site being "under construction" with a shoveling stick figure. Now "From Me To You" has created a set of high class animated GIFs dubbed "cinem...
Ezra added a favorite at The Winter Webb
Apr 27, 2011
Best budget speech I've seen in ages!
I have NOT been blogging enough about cute animals lately. Here, I correct that.
Looking forward to more pen-based entries in this blog as you move your writing system to that superior technology.
Pen Nerds and Finding Better Tools
While I've always liked doing a lot of my notes and writing with pen and ink, I've never been particularly well-versed in the latest innovations and trends in the handwriting world. But! I know this is exactly the sort of endeavor that attracts nerds, and that my network of friends and acquainta...
What's wrong with Nusrat?
No title
Ezra added a favorite at Djchall's Micro Blog
Mar 2, 2011
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