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Love the title of this post because you are so right! With the Holidays upon us, we see bags everywhere. My mom brought me a gift she had purchased for my daughter and she had it wrapped in 4 plastic bags! There is no better time to use one of your choices above, you cannot see through them so they are great for hiding gifts, and to take a look at the progress that has been made worldwide on the plastic bag ban front. Thanks so much for sharing the message to go reusable! Shane FDP, CMO
Toggle Commented Dec 12, 2012 on The Time is NOW for Reusable Bags at Mindful Momma
1 reply
Thanks so much for sharing our Infographic and spreading the reuse message! It is greatly appreciated. Let us know if ever we can help you out in any way. Shane CMO, Factory Direct Promos
FactoryDPromos is now following The Typepad Team
Aug 30, 2012