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Weiser is an important voice to listen to, because he not only is the Attorney General of Colorado but also was the Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Economics in the Antitrust Division during the Obama Administration, which is to say that unlike a lot of Attorneys General he has a strong background in the relevant doctrine and economics. With the Antitrust Division is run by Makan Delrahim, fresh thinking on this issue is going to have to come from somewhere else, like Denver.
Perhaps the greatest harm done by Robert Bork and...
Perhaps the greatest harm done by Robert Bork and Richard Posner to American well-being was their extremely aggressive push of the idea that vertical integration could never be bad: **Phil Weiser**: _Competitive Edge: The States’ View of Vertical Merger Guidelines in U.S. Antitrust Enforcement_ :...
Justice Breyer wrote Credit Suisse v. Billing, which was misguided then and has not aged well.
From October 11, 2018: Worthy Reads
Worthy Reads from Equitable Growth: 1. I remember debating Columbia is Glenn Hubbard in Houston about the inheritance tax a few years ago. He claimed that the cultural and educational transmission of wealth from him to his children was more important then inheritance, hence there should be no i...
That's excellent.
**Should-Read: Alex Pareene**: The Long, Lucrative...
**Should-Read: Alex Pareene**: The Long, Lucrative Right-wing Grift Is Blowing Up in the World's Face : "If you want to understand intra-GOP warfare... >...the decision-making process of our president, the implosion of the Republican healthcare plan, and the rest of the politics of the Trump era,...
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Apr 6, 2017
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