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Sonia Cipiti
Recent Activity
You make me think. Think deeply. Deeply, to the point of paralyzes. I need help with the freeing part. I understand the concept of the smaller pieces to "doodle" to do for the sake of learning but I am stuck. Stuck between the old me and the me I strive to be creatively. I am programmed to see the whole. The whole of something that is broken down into pieces not the pieces then the whole. Somehow, I need to find peace in the pieces. I am so stuck, so wanting of the freedom to fly with my creative spirit. What triggered your inner voice? How was it in the beginning for you?
The heart extended
So I have decided on a bit of direction for the crazy sampler. View Video At the same time, I have been wondering what to do about the background. audio file in case you see no player above ...just two strands of some turquoise. audio file in case you see no p...
Sonia Cipiti is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 15, 2011
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