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deerfield beach
Interests: scrapbooking, photography, computers, travelling, yoga
Recent Activity
Such a simply fantastic page.
Once again ... your work is beautiful. Love it.
1 reply
I love it when they release something new. The giddiness and excitement. Ah.. Paper.
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I always need paper.. thanks for the opportunity.
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Thanks for the giveaway! I am crossing my fingers. Melissa
Toggle Commented Apr 9, 2012 on Project Life: Giveaway! at Jennifer Woodbury
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Linda, Yeah I know sitting in my own crap is always stinky. It's something I am learning and after 4 kids I would have thought I had it down to perfect. Things are tough -- and I know dwelling on them never really gets me anywhere, but sometimes its hard to break old habits. Having what I want.. is something I am not sure I know any more. I don't know what I want, I don't know what makes me happy, and I don't know how to obtain such if the destination is unknown. I am working on it. EVERY day.
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Mimi added a favorite at Life's Daily Doses
Mar 7, 2012
Nicole you are my hero!!! Whenever I watch one of your video's I believe in myself and that I can be creative. LOL You make everything digestible and doable. I Love you style and your ability to pull it all together. Thanks so much for the video's.
1 reply
I sure wish I could spend an entire day with you .. to learn how to make cards. I am always so blown away by your technique and combinations. Plus Hero Arts design well it even makes me drool and I am just learning. I don't even have a clue about .5% of what I can do with their products.
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Mimi is now following SherelleChristensen
Aug 11, 2011
For all not are!!!
Toggle Commented Jun 30, 2011 on Stumble and Learn at Life's Daily Doses
1 reply
Yeah this has been a funky summer for are. Amazing what expectations I had and how they have quickly been extinguished.. Trying to find my place in all of this shifting. Guess it's time to get a job! Ewwwwwww
Toggle Commented Jun 30, 2011 on Stumble and Learn at Life's Daily Doses
1 reply
Thanks.. always looking to find a way to freshen up. I liked it too.. felt spring like on a day that I was chilled to the bone. My kids are growing before my eyes.. and the grandkids. NO NOT READY!!! me or the kids. HAHA
Toggle Commented Jan 29, 2011 on Realizing at Life's Daily Doses
1 reply
{{{{Hugs received}}}} and I thank you. Yeah like I told Tracey I know myself well enough that I would second guess the moment they hit the trash. I keep things always. The inner scrapbooking monster. LOL. My dad was an amazing man... and I sure wish I had him in my every day life. :-)
Toggle Commented Jan 6, 2011 on Time Heals All Wounds at Life's Daily Doses
1 reply
Thank you.. I know myself well and I know that keeping the writings will always be. I just sometimes wonder if I am not giving them the justice they deserve.. you know by being kept in the garage. Thanks for the kind words.... I am ok .. I just miss him. Days like today just make it more apparent.
Toggle Commented Jan 6, 2011 on Time Heals All Wounds at Life's Daily Doses
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I am so glad to see your excitement again. It is so refreshing!
Toggle Commented Sep 4, 2010 on So Exited! at Create Something Today
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Thanks Lisa. You are so right about the first step being the hardest. At times I allow it to take my breath away and feel paralyzed with the fear of it not being all that I have it in my head to be. I just need to jump -- one foot in front of the other and NOT look back. If the end result doesn't turn out then so be it. There are many other paths to walk upon right? I am so proud of your journey too.. YOU have done so well at embracing all the change that has happened to you over the last 2 years. Very admirable. One day we will meet again for coffee and discuss it face to face.
Toggle Commented Aug 18, 2010 on As the summer fades at Life's Daily Doses
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I will always take you the way you are... a single mom with 5 kids, a military wife, a heck of an awesome person, ANYWAY. You don't need to be creative or juicy.. no one wants you to be anything other than yourself. Your talent far exceeds YOU -- and I sure as heck miss seeing it. I often wondered how you were able to be so inspired with all those cute kids. Be kind to yourself. You are doing the best you can with what you have. YOU are enough! I am glad you posted!!
Toggle Commented Aug 17, 2010 on do you mind if I cuss? at Create Something Today
1 reply
Always glad to help.. I too am usually the necessity, busy being practical, useful and logical self -- but a girls gotta dream sometimes.
Toggle Commented Aug 13, 2010 on The Inner Traveller at Life's Daily Doses
1 reply
Thank you Elise. Its been a very rough afternoon for our family. Nimo/Nemo/Prince Issac was an amazing cat. I think with any loss it just brings up all the unresolved losses of the past. It's all a process and it hurts. I have just been letting my tears fall when necessary.
Toggle Commented Jun 14, 2010 on May You Find Peace at Life's Daily Doses
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Mimi is now following Account Deleted
May 26, 2010
My dear sweet Elise.. I will always need you. I sent you an email.
Toggle Commented Apr 28, 2010 on love my life at Life's Daily Doses
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Mimi is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Cheyenne is going to Spain April 2nd - 11th (during her Spring Break) It is with people/teachers from school but not a school sponsored trip. She is also taking a side note to Morocco. We went to a meeting last night and it sounds like they are gonna have lots of fun. Am I ready for a crop?? yeah this time I am gonna make you all come to my house.. LOL
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The candle is yummy. Not a typical fragrance I would have purchased. It truly smells like a beautiful day.
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