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I am certainly glad that you had a wonderful Christmas and that you have good friends to share it with there. I am a little HURT, however, that skyping with family didn't even make the list of highlights for the day! :)
Christmas in China
Hello Internet World. Just letting you know what I did for Christmas. Christmas Eve: This was by far one of the coolest Christmas Eve's I ever had. I had class in the morning...but it was fine. They even gave me presents. Then I just relaxed in the afternoon. At 430 we went over to my friends Da...
Sorry you have a 'terror' class. But, it happens. Just do your best to respond to them instead of reacting. A response indicates that you were prepared for the situation. A reaction indicates that they have caused you to do something unplanned. I know that many times in my career, I have been justifiably upset with somestudents, but because I reacted instead of responding, the situation did not result as positively as I would have liked.
The present song that I'm listening to is "Hazy" by Rosy Golan with William Fitzsimmons--also a lovely Romantic song. :) Wednesdays are very busy. I just have so much random stuff I usually have to do. I don't have class until 2 on Wednesdays, but the mornings I usually take care of all the rand...
Sounds like great food....for you, not me!
Hello! Today, I needed a moment of relaxation. So...After my terrors they call my 2:00 class today... :) ... I went and did an errand then proceeded to the lovely park across the street with my handy dandy copy of you guessed it... Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Two words: TOTAL BLISS! It c...
A very nice list, Season. You seem to be blossoming in your new role and environment. I am so proud of and for you! Who knows? Maybe you will go into international teaching as a career
These are things that I love and hate about China: I love that people think that I am so beautiful here, I HATE that because people tell me i'm Beautiful so often it's becoming overused. I love Chinese food, I hate that I still have a difficult time using chopsticks :) I love a lot of Chinese cl...
Faulk56 is now following Season
Nov 21, 2010
Really, Season! A favorites list that has around one hundred movies. That is not narrowing it down too much. However, after I was through reading it, it was pure Season. :)
Ok... First of all, things are still going well! Meetings ...Good...Friends...Good...Food...AMAZING! It would be much easier for me if whoever reads this asks me more specific questions. So..that is your homework assignment..internet come up with some questions you ..yes, you...want to...
Faulk56 is now following The Typepad Team
Nov 21, 2010
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