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Fauzi Rianto
Recent Activity
Hey, what about this?
You're all the expert
or you all are the expert
Drink, Drank, Drunk?
Kevin asks: I am writing to ask you about the proper usage of the verb drink. More to the point, I'm wondering about the usage of drank versus drunk. It's one of those issues that no one I've talked to agrees upon, and I personally think drank is past tense, while drunk is (?) conditional. I dran...
Sorry to disturb, i'm from Indonesia. Hm, i'm not so smart in english and i need your help. Because, i think you're all the expert, haha.
Correct me if i'm wrong
Have you drunk that juice?
All right, that's it and thank you.
Drink, Drank, Drunk?
Kevin asks: I am writing to ask you about the proper usage of the verb drink. More to the point, I'm wondering about the usage of drank versus drunk. It's one of those issues that no one I've talked to agrees upon, and I personally think drank is past tense, while drunk is (?) conditional. I dran...
Fauzi Rianto is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 25, 2012
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