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Meditate + Liberate
One person's non denomenational search for happiness through meditation.
Interests: yoga, reading, spanish, traveling, philosophy, meditation, chanting, hiking, camping, gardening.
Recent Activity
The days are flashing by so quickly now and June 1st is looming ever nearer. Sorta like the feeling of swimsuit season after the holidays. I can feel my Ego cowering in the corner. The last few days I have meditated 15 minutes every morning and that voice in my... Continue reading
Posted May 29, 2010 at Meditate + Liberate
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May 23, 2010
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Meditate + Liberate is now following Alex Bain
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Meditate + Liberate is now following Joy
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Meditate + Liberate is now following Mowie Kay
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Meditate + Liberate is now following Mandi
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Meditate + Liberate is now following Daisy Cottage
May 23, 2010
Meditate + Liberate is now following Bloesem
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Meditate + Liberate is now following Patrick Ng
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Meditate + Liberate is now following Jo
May 23, 2010
Meditate + Liberate is now following SouleMama
May 23, 2010
Meditate + Liberate is now following Account Deleted
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