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Ventura, CA
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Watch with the first of a new three-part video series featuring Kohl Christensen. Part 2 coming next week. Continue reading
Posted Feb 25, 2013 at Fletcher Chouinard Designs
Taylor- Dav'e advice is spot on, I was going to say if you go Quark go 6'2 and if you go Fark go 6'0. Volume and dims: 6'2 x 19-13/16 x 2-7/16, 34.04 liters 6'0 x 20-1/4 x 2-9/16, 33.35 liters Hope this helps a bit, FCD
Toggle Commented Feb 19, 2013 on Quark Surfboard at Fletcher Chouinard Designs
Tee- You could go with a custom RPLB, it would give you the extra foam you need to catch waves but less rail line and board to fit the wave better. You could also take a look at an F-rocket in the 7'6's the same size that Kohl paddled into the beast at Cloudbreak with. he's 6'3 185 in a slightly similar height and weight. They come in a quad setup which would let you high line earier on the face of the wave and help you generate tons of speed for those arcing turns you want to make. If you can give us a call at the shop or even better yet set up a time to stop by and check out the boards in person. I think when you feel one you will see it's not at all like the other epoxy boards you have ridden. Hope this helps, FCD
Toggle Commented Feb 14, 2013 on Round Pin Longboard at Fletcher Chouinard Designs
Dan- Are you talking about a 5 fin bonzer set up or a 5 box board that converts from quad to thruster? -FCD
Toggle Commented Feb 12, 2013 on Quark Surfboard at Fletcher Chouinard Designs
Andy- The 6'2 Mako is 19-1/4 x 2-5/16, it's both narrower and thinner than your current 5'8. The next size up is a 6'5 and it comes in at 19-7/16 x 2-3/8...slight wider than your current go-to. I'm 5'10 150 and my go-to is 5'9 x 19/18 x 2-7/ I know where you are coming from. Honestly I think what you want is a custom board, something with teh volume packed into a smaller size rather than a bigger board with the same or less volume. I used to ride a 6'0 Mako a ton, and before that a 6'2...but I kept wanting to go smaller with more volume so I could still catch waves in a crowd without the extra swing weight. Basically I just started getting "fark-ified" round pins made until I found what I liked. I have a 6'2 and 5'11 and a 5'9 and I'm ready for whatever gets thrown at me. Hope this helps, FCD
Toggle Commented Feb 11, 2013 on Mako Surfboard at Fletcher Chouinard Designs
Esteban- We're hoping for May! FCD
Toggle Commented Feb 11, 2013 on About FCD at Fletcher Chouinard Designs
Pablo- The 6'2 is 19-13/16 x 2-7/16, 34.04 liters of volume and the 6'4 is 20-3/8 x 2-1/2 with 35.61 liters of volume. I'm not sure about artwork, I just got back in town but if you email the guys at [email protected] or call them at 805-641-9428 they'll let you know. Thanks! FCD
Toggle Commented Feb 11, 2013 on Quark Surfboard at Fletcher Chouinard Designs
Tboss- Teh huevo is a completely different beast. It's an egg, so it's surfed more from center, and most people tend to trim it and use the rail like they would a longboard. It has more foam the a Rocket sled, a different outline a different foil nose to tail, and is a 2+1 rather than a traditonal thruster. I would suggest putting you rhands on one in a shop so you can really feel the shape and understand what the board is meant for. Hope this helps, FCD
Dave- Sorry for the delayed repky, I've been out of town... We should be able to do that for you, give us a call at the shop (if you haven't already) and we'll figure out something. Best, FCD
The Heart & The Sea Surf Film Premiere A Nathan Oldfield film When: Friday February 15th, 2013 Time: 7:30pm (one show) Where: La Paloma Theater, 471 S. Coast Hwy 101, Encinitas Tickets: $5 at door, advance tickets available online or... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2013 at Fletcher Chouinard Designs
Jason- That's great to hear!! For reference your 5'10ix 20x2-1/2 and has a volume of about 30.79 liters. The smallest F-rocket we have in the mix right now is 6'6 x 19-1/4 x 2-3/4 and has a volume of 36.81 liters, the 7 footer is 19-3/8 x 2-7/8 with a volume of 40.29. Kohl had a 7'6 when he caught the wave of his life at cloudbreak...I'm still not sure how he did that) We're building a new website qand will have photos up soon of the F-rockets. Hope this helps a bit! FCD
Toggle Commented Jan 29, 2013 on Fark Surfboard at Fletcher Chouinard Designs
JB- At 6'1 185 I think a 6'8 would be good. For reference the 5'8 fark youhave now has 29.54 liters of volume. The 6'8 Huevo is 20-11/16 x 2-1/2 and would have about 39 liters of volume. You could go with a 2+1 setup and then when you want to ride it as a single fin you can just make sure you swap out the 2 + !1 center fin setup with something a little bigger. make sense? FCD
Duane- I'm not sure how to explain that, I guess its that kind of full rail drive down the line feeling, the kind you get when downhilling on a skateboard? More centered, longer drawn out turns because of the speed you have... If you are looking for a longboard that surf more off the tail and has double concave then look at the HP...or get a custom tri. Hope this clears it up forya, FCD
Toggle Commented Jan 25, 2013 on Triditional Surfboard at Fletcher Chouinard Designs
Duane- No it has has flat panel V for a more skatey feel...but we can do a custom for you. FCD
Toggle Commented Jan 25, 2013 on Triditional Surfboard at Fletcher Chouinard Designs
Keith- Fletch is out of town for the next week so I won't be able to get you any exact volume information or potential dimensions for awhile. What I can tell you for sure is that a 7'10 Huevo is 22 x 2-7/8 with 54.83 liters of volume and a 8'2 Huevo is 22-1/16 x 3 (no volume calculation here sorry). My guess is that a 8' custom Huevo between those dims and volume wise I think it would net out to be around 53.75 liters. I don't have any idea what the volume calculation is for a Munoz, but we could go old school and you could tell me what you are riding now, where you surf, what type of waves you surf, weight, height, and experience and I could tell you what I think would be best. Standard Munoz dims are 21-3/4 x 2-9/16, but we can always go custom. Another option is to post all the information I listed above and ask for other Munoz owners to give you feedback on their experience riding the board. There's a lot of guys out there that own them and I'm pretty sure they'd be stoked to share what they know. I hope this info helps and have a good one, FCD
Mike- She is riding an HP (pink multi-colored board) and a BT (Green board). Hope that helps! FCD
Toggle Commented Jan 23, 2013 on NoseGlider Surfboard at Fletcher Chouinard Designs
Art- Stock 8'0 mini guns come finished at 19-3/8 x 2-11/16, not sure how much neoprene you will be wearing or how this compares to what you are used to paddling or what type of waves you will be paddling into but I hope this helps some.... FCD
Carl- We suggest the QDF4 or Rusty as upgrade sets for futures. The standard plastic fins that come with the board should work as well, if you can let me know what those fins are so I can double check you got the right ones. Here's a cool link to the futures site that lets you play around with fins configuration based on your height, weight and desired peformance. Hope this helps! FCD
E- 35.61 liters or 100.31 12 oz beers. Hope this helps! FCD
Toggle Commented Jan 22, 2013 on Quark Surfboard at Fletcher Chouinard Designs
Jake- You can totally do that no worries! The rails are a bit different in volume and shape frok the NG to the HP, you shoudl definitely see if you can check them out in person. If you can;t give the guys at the shop a call and they'll walk you through it! Best, FCD
Toggle Commented Jan 22, 2013 on NoseGlider Surfboard at Fletcher Chouinard Designs
Tom- For sure we can and have done all of that, it offers up some good versatility! Shipping to teh UK is pricey but it can be done, it's usually around and additional $300 (not a quite, just a ball park number). Best, FCD
Toggle Commented Jan 22, 2013 on KMRP Surfboard at Fletcher Chouinard Designs
T- I think you should look at the 5'11 DM3, at your height and weight it shoud be a good match up. Bigger boards (like the ones you already have) are perfect for when teh surf is average and teh crowds are thick but when conditions are perfect (rare) you actually need something with a little less volume and your idea of teh DM3 is right on track. The 6'0 Octo is a fuller (volume) version so that's why I'm thinkinhg the 5'11 may be perfect. Hope this helps! FCD
Toggle Commented Jan 22, 2013 on DM3 Surfboard at Fletcher Chouinard Designs
Ac- The HP is going to be a bit diffrent than your RA, I wouldn't recomend buying one sight unseen if you plan noseriding a ton. The huevo sounds like a good plan though! -FCD
Toggle Commented Jan 18, 2013 on HP Longboard at Fletcher Chouinard Designs
VT- Hard to say since you are coming from Hawaii... I'd think you would want an R4 because you will have a shocker until you get used to the cold, which may take awhile, but you can see the average temps at this webpage You should also call Cleanline surf, they sell a ton of our suits and can tell you better what to expect since it's their backyard. Hope this helps! FCD
Dave- Yeah, I think that model as a step up for you isn't going to give you the extra volume you are looking for to catch more waves, just a longer rail...and I'm assuming your 6'3 isn't letting you get in as early as you would like on bigger days? You can go custom if you like though using your current volume as a reference (assuming you like it) and scale a 6'8 KMRP up to be more in line with what you are expecting. Hope this helps man!! Best, FCD
Toggle Commented Jan 16, 2013 on KMRP Surfboard at Fletcher Chouinard Designs