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feeder goldfish
Library worker with 1.3 million unrelated interests.
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I'm no longer using typepad. My current blog is housed over at tumblr: . So, come on down! Continue reading
Posted Jun 28, 2010 at fate keeps on happening
PS: I love that pic of him slouched down, looking directly into the camera. What a great expression... "Yes, you are correct. I am fabulous. FABULOUS."
Toggle Commented Jun 25, 2010 on Hello My Name Is... Porthos at Pawesome
Porthos is such a handsome animal. What a great cat! A friend forwarded your webpage to me, since Porthos reminds her of my cat, Douglas... not just his looks, but his personality, too. I have some pics up; they're about ten years old: Doug is still a fine and fabulous cat!
Toggle Commented Jun 25, 2010 on Hello My Name Is... Porthos at Pawesome
Walt: We have to move our product in bulk. Wholesale. Now, how do we do that? Jesse: What... do you mean to like... a distributor? Walt: Yes! Yes, that's what we need. We need a distributor. Now, do you know... Continue reading
Posted Jun 9, 2010 at fate keeps on happening
Dr Rush: I just had a very interesting dream. Colonel Young: Everyone thinks their dreams are interesting. Nobody else cares. Continue reading
Posted Jun 9, 2010 at fate keeps on happening
I've been listening to Drabblecast. Here's their own description, "Short stories at the far side of weird". Sometimes they highlight weird news. In this podcast, narrator/producer Norm Sherman presents his rap version of the whole Utah teen arrested for rapping... Continue reading
Posted Jun 2, 2010 at fate keeps on happening
Sheriff Griffin Conroy: I thought that after our talk last week, we had an agreement. What are you still doing in my county? Merritt Grieves: Oh my goodness. Did you really just utter a version of "this town ain't big... Continue reading
Posted May 8, 2010 at fate keeps on happening
Roger: I'm tired of being weak. HELP ME!! Stan: I've been waiting to hear those words for a long time. I just prayed they'd come from my son and not an alien in a sports bra. Continue reading
Posted Apr 12, 2010 at fate keeps on happening
Dan Ariely is a behavioral economist, (which sounds like a fascinating job), whose research focuses on decision-making. His experiments demonstrate that emotional states, moral codes and peer pressure affect our ability to make rational decisions. As a result, we don't!... Continue reading
Posted Mar 28, 2010 at fate keeps on happening
Lassiter: I don't want to throw out five crazy theories, just to get one right. I am a police detective and police detectives do not surmise that banks are knocked over by groups of angry cats with laser beams. Sean:... Continue reading
Posted Mar 22, 2010 at fate keeps on happening
This movie got some interesting reviews, so I checked it out on Netflix and it was pretty good! Stanny: I don't know why there's this myth that women get dependent on men. I mean, every day in America, some guy... Continue reading
Posted Mar 22, 2010 at fate keeps on happening
feeder goldfish is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Duck undercarriages on the ceiling at this most awesome of pharmacies. Blog posted here. Continue reading
Posted Mar 13, 2010 at fate keeps on happening
Daniel Pink spoke at TEDGlobal in July 2009. He examined the mystery of motivation, revealing that the traditional "reward technique" doesn't always work and sometimes has quite the crappy effect. Yes, you may quote me on that. White collar workers... Continue reading
Posted Mar 3, 2010 at fate keeps on happening
Date night... it's the embalming fluid that keeps the mummy of a marriage fresh after the heart and brain have been pulled out through the nose. It appears that Team Sweden will clinch the goal and they are over the... Continue reading
Posted Feb 22, 2010 at fate keeps on happening
Now.. . you are being hugged by a giant hamster. You feel completely happy and protected. Nothing can get at you from within the hamster's embrace. I want you to just breathe. And really feel the hug. Don't just be... Continue reading
Posted Feb 12, 2010 at fate keeps on happening
NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter obviously has a thing for Mars. Yeah, yeah, I'm sure they're "just friends". Dig these incredibly high resolution pics. And there are more than 10,000 of them! Smells a bit stalker-y to me. Wow, they're beautiful! Continue reading
Posted Feb 11, 2010 at fate keeps on happening
Roger: Stan, do you have any idea how dangerous it is to go downtown and buy crack? You could've bought from me, right here in the house! Francine: Roger, you're not being helpful. Roger: Did you really expect me to... Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2010 at fate keeps on happening
Do you sometimes feel irritable, restless, uneasy, sad, normal or just plain not-high? Maybe it's time to try crack. Crack may cause shivers, night terrors, gay-for-pay, heart palpitations, homicidal paranoia or the sensation that you're on fire. Peeing blood and... Continue reading
Posted Feb 1, 2010 at fate keeps on happening
via Great. Now my neighbors think I'm crazier than I actually really am! (If possible.) Those shrieks of laughter are a totally acceptable reaction to this webpage of awesomeness. Continue reading
Posted Jan 25, 2010 at fate keeps on happening
On opening night of Noir City, we saw this beautiful tribute to film noir by Serena Bramble, a student at Santa Rosa Junior College. Yes, that's right... SRJC... right here in beautiful Sonoma county. I got a kick out of... Continue reading
Posted Jan 25, 2010 at fate keeps on happening
Love this film festival. Tomorrow night, I'm joining friends to see Pitfall with Dick Powell, Lizabeth Scott, Jane Wyatt and Raymond Burr and Larceny with John Payne, Joan Caulfield, Dan Duryea and Shelley Winters. Both are written by Bill Bowers,... Continue reading
Posted Jan 22, 2010 at fate keeps on happening
I've watched a few episodes of this fun British mystery series called, “Rosemary and Thyme”. Here’s a great quote from it: “I didn’t want to bring it up in front of my pig of a husband. He has swinish jealous... Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2010 at fate keeps on happening
“No, really, I’m a terrible coward, I always run away.” Rincewind’s chest heaved. “Danger has stared me in the back of the head, oh, hundreds of times!” from Sourcery by Terry Pratchett. God, that Pratchett is funny. Nice illustration by... Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2010 at fate keeps on happening
Great Wait Wait Don't Tell me quote, when speaking about the Beer Summit. "Beer in our house just meant that we were out of whiskey... that or it was breakfast time!" Continue reading
Posted Jan 13, 2010 at fate keeps on happening