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M Fejfer
Recent Activity
Here is the sheet with the co-financing amount you have to include in your Co financing statement via . Continue reading
Reblogged Apr 6, 2011 at M Fejfer's blog
M Fejfer is now following FI
Apr 6, 2011
Here is the sheet with the co-financing amount you...
Here is the sheet with the co-financing amount you have to include in your Co financing statement via Continue reading
Posted Apr 6, 2011 at M Fejfer's blog
We also prefer option A.
Malgorzata & Magdalena
Hello to all of you. We have been working in the desgin of the flyer, so the first task has been designing the logo of the project. We are proposing you two different options: In order to continue the flyer design proccess we would need some feedback of these options, so if you could give it t...
M Fejfer is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 1, 2011
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