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Perth Western Australia
Mother wife daughter sister blogger runner dog lover mindful gratitude wellness seeker in Perth.
Interests: runner, dog lover, mindful, gratitude, wellness seeker, lifesyle, Open to working with brands
Recent Activity
Posted Mar 12, 2017 at My Life in Mono...
Firstly, I missed an entire month without posting. I do apologise. I had plans for the blog and somehow life just gets in the way. September/October has been really busy workwise. Things are finally gaining momentum and people have been recommending my firm to their friends, which is always a good thing. The last two months, I have been focusing on self-care a lot as well. I know that if I fail to take care of myself, I will be burnt out by the end of the month. So if you follow me on Facebook and Instagram, you would have... Continue reading
Posted Oct 30, 2016 at My Life in Mono...
"You cannot serve from an empty vessel" - Eleanor Brown As a mum, most of the time, we do not take the time to practice self-care. The thing is, self-care is the most important part of being a mum. It is non-negotiable. The family will not be able to function if the parent is burnt out. Self-care is very important to me. When I don't practice it enough, I suffer. I get stressed easily and I have panic attacks often. When we hear the term self-care, we often think about people taking time out of their responsibility. Some even deemed... Continue reading
Posted Sep 9, 2016 at My Life in Mono...
AUGUST RECAP Read about my August Goals Here. The last month, I only manage to achieve ONE of my goal, which is Mindful Listening. I did this at home and at work especially. I had a few clients who were so stressed because of the whole process that I just had to sit and hold their hands. Once they let it out of their system, they pretty much felt better. I did not even attempt to do the other two. No other reason than pure LAZINESS. Sad I know. So I am going to attempt it again for the month... Continue reading
Posted Aug 31, 2016 at My Life in Mono...
Here we are at the end of the month again. I would say how quickly that went but you know I say that every month. To be honest, August went by like a blur. I had things to do every weekend and we just welcomed my new niece into the world a week ago. I also have had 2 workshops over 4 weekends and my trainer has pulled me aside to speak to me about that spark that she can see in me that may change what age group I study in the future. You know, I have a feeling... Continue reading
Posted Aug 30, 2016 at My Life in Mono...
What an amazing school! I wish we have something like this in Western Australia. We do have only ONE that I know of Montessori school that goes up to high school but it is definitely not as beautiful and wonderful as this! :) Thank you for sharing.
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. - Melody Beattie The quote above couldn't have come at a better time. I posted a frazzled moment on Instagram last night because I was feeling so down. M and I have been trying to have our second child for a while and it has proven a difficult task. I think back and laugh because throughout... Continue reading
Posted Aug 8, 2016 at My Life in Mono...
I spoke about setting goals in my previous post in March and I have been using my Goals journal religiously. I usually set 3 small goals per month and attempt to reach that goal. I realised that I need a goal to aim towards and keep me motivated. With that said, I am going to share my monthly goals here on the blog and a recap of the previous months. I am going to try to focus on the 3 aspects of my life which is the mind, the body and the soul. July Recap Take walking breaks If you... Continue reading
Posted Aug 2, 2016 at My Life in Mono...
How quickly did July go? It certainly felt like the rush of the End of Financial Year was just yesterday. July has been an interesting month for me. I have been reading a lot and experimenting and practising a lot of self care hoping to learn and applying from it . I also have been discovering a lot of interesting things out there and thought I would compile it into a blog post of my July favourites. This is one of the format that I will be trying out on my blog and hopefully I will be able to share... Continue reading
Posted Jul 31, 2016 at My Life in Mono...
Hello friends. :) It has been a while I know. A lot has happened in the last 4 months and if you have been following me on Instagram and Facebook, you would have a sneaky peek. I am currently trying to re-brand my blog as I realised that my life has certainly changed its course and so will my blog. I hope you will still be with me as I will try a couple of format here and there. Please feel free to give me feed back as well. So starting in August, I have new content all ready to... Continue reading
Posted Jul 26, 2016 at My Life in Mono...
I spent a good part of the morning today at a Goals Setting workshop hosted by Kikki K. I went to one of their Happiness one in January and enjoyed it very much. The other reason that I love going to their workshop is, I get to come home with one of their beautiful journals. :) Helle, who conducted this workshop is amazing and inspirational. I can relate so much with her when she told us a little about her life. When she was younger, she suffered from Anxiety and Depression and how she conquered it was pretty amazing. I... Continue reading
Posted Mar 6, 2016 at My Life in Mono...
Roy and I met when we were 11 years old. We were in different classes but we knew each other. It was at a time when everything was awkward. You remember. Those, "why am I breaking out" days. Those, "why am I angry all the time" days. Those, "why am I bleeding down there" days. Those days where everyone is telling you that anything is possible, yet, the same people are telling you, you shouldn't be doing that, days. Those days where you kinda like boys, BUT, you are still scared that they might give you cooties. HAHA! AH... those... Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2016 at My Life in Mono...
How many of us here are guilty of negative self talk and Self Doubt? I am not a stranger to it. There was a point in time that the conversations in my head towards myself, is a negative one. "Look at your hair! It's so frizzy and unmanageable!" "You can't fit into that dress! You have layers of fat around you" "Why bother with make up? It makes you look weird" "No wonder his eyes wanders, look at you! So unkept" Yep! These are actual conversations I have had the pleasure of having with my own self. So much fun... Continue reading
Posted Jan 24, 2016 at My Life in Mono...
Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success. - Henry Ford This year, one of our goals for M and my relationship is to spend as much one on one time together. 2 weeks ago I opened up a little bit about my marriage and I am thankful that I did. I won't go as far and say that I am happy what happened happened because I am not happy BUT I am glad that it was the rock bottom of our relationship and there is no other way to go from rock bottom but... Continue reading
Posted Jan 21, 2016 at My Life in Mono...
Eating is not merely a material pleasure. Eating well gives a spectacular joy to life and contributes immensely to goodwill and happy companionship. It is of great importance to the morale. - Elsa Schiaparelli The Lil' Tiger is starting her formal schooling year this year. I went to met her class teacher right before the Christmas break and they had a table where they show the parents what is appropriate to pack for a school lunch box. They say pack 3 meals. One for morning tea, one main lunch and one sip and crunch. No problem I thought, we already... Continue reading
Posted Jan 18, 2016 at My Life in Mono...
"A City isn't so unlike a person, They both have marks to show, they have many stories to tell, they see many faces, they tear things down and make new again." -Rasmenia Massoud I currently live in Perth, Western Australia. It is known to be the second most isolated state capital in the world. The nearest state capital to Perth is Adelaide, which is 2,139km away. Flying to Adelaide and flying to Bali, Indonesia takes roughly the same amount of time. It is closer to fly to Bali, Indonesia than to fly to Melbourne or Sydney. It is also, sometimes,... Continue reading
Posted Jan 17, 2016 at My Life in Mono...
Second week into the Gratitude Challenge and I am struggling. This week has been a little trying for me with the heat, it was said to have reached maximum of 42 degrees C (107 F) on Thursday, and also feeling a little lost this week. I had a mild anxiety attack while driving in the car on Thursday but I manage to talk myself out of it. Last week, I talked about why we need to always try to be grateful and I had to remind myself of that a couple of times this week. This week's challenge is to... Continue reading
Posted Jan 9, 2016 at My Life in Mono...
Last week, my little girl came into my bedroom telling me that her head it itchy. I brushed it aside telling her that it might be the summer heat that is making her head sweaty and prickly. The next day, I noticed that she was constantly scratching her head and that is not usual. I calmly told her to sit in front of me and with my hair tied back, I scanned her head for confirmation. HOUSTON WE HAVE A CASE OF NITS AND LICE. Sigh. My worst nightmare and pet peeve has come true. I guess it is a... Continue reading
Posted Jan 3, 2016 at My Life in Mono...
Three years ago, a close friend of mine gave me a "Today, I am thankful for..." journal. On and off, I have been writing in the said journal for a good part of those three years. I am on my second journal now and I it has helped me tremendously. Everyday I try to write 3 things that I am thankful for for the day. As you can imagine, some days, easy. Some days, HARD. And on those hard days are when they count the most. In 2014, I attempted to start a similar project but failed as I didn't... Continue reading
Posted Jan 2, 2016 at My Life in Mono...
Summer is well and truly here. Perfect beach weather if you ask me. We have been outdoors most of the time this summer. Life has been a little up and down since September. I won't go much into personal details but it was definitely life altering. I has made me look at how I value relationships with my husband, daughter, family and friends. My anxiety has also rear it's ugly head a couple of times since September and I have been trying to manage it to keep it at bay. Hence why I turn to nature by being outdoors and... Continue reading
Posted Dec 28, 2015 at My Life in Mono...
"The future is not some place we are going, but one we are creating. The paths are not to be found, but made." - John Schaar Two months have gone by since I last wrote. A lot of things have happened since then. I got a new job, my gorgeous little niece was born and lots of food have been consumed. I learnt a lot in that short amount of time. Learning to take things slow and not be too hard on myself. Learning to let things go, again, and not take things for granted. Learning to not take myself... Continue reading
Posted Sep 14, 2015 at My Life in Mono...
BREAKFAST. The most important meal of the day. Eat breakfast like a King. Never skip breakfast. These are the things that people often tell you. Though I never skip a meal, breakfast is one that I struggle to eat every morning. I usually want something hot and savoury in the morning. I much prefer Sarawak Laksa or a plate of Kolo Mee but alas, living in Australia means a bowl of delicious laksa or Kolo Mee is hard to find. I am trying to make everything from scratch and eat less processed food, I tend to stay away from store... Continue reading
Posted Aug 21, 2015 at My Life in Mono...
This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness. - Dalai Lama I was asked if I believed in God the other day. He was quite concerned that I have never mentioned I believe in God anywhere on Social Media or in real life. It got me thinking. Do I? I do. I was born into a Christian family. I was baptised and I do go to church occasionally. Is that enough? It is. I believe there are many forms... Continue reading
Posted Jul 26, 2015 at My Life in Mono...
Growing up, I have had my fair share of store bought and homemade coconut jam sandwiches also known as Kaya Toast for morning or afternoon tea. Even now, on my annual pilgrimage home, I will stop by Singapore airport and have their famous Kaya Toast. It is always accompanied with a small bowl of soft boiled eggs and a mug of ice cold milo. The combination of pandan leaves (screw pine leaves) and coconut is totally divine. I love the smell of anything with coconut in it. Yum. I have always wanted to make this version of coconut jam and... Continue reading
Posted Jul 23, 2015 at My Life in Mono...
“Music brings a warm glow to my vision, thawing mind and muscle from their endless wintering.” ― Haruki Murakami I am down with the flu this week. My mind is cloudy. I tend to get a little short tempered when I am not well. I can't taste or smell anything. I tried my very best not to succumb to using any medication but I lost. I went to the pharmacist yesterday and begged for cold and flu tabs. I have been sipping hot green teas and making my own herbal teas. Ginger, lemon and turmeric with a dash of honey... Continue reading
Posted Jul 21, 2015 at My Life in Mono...