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I'm afraid I didn't know 'hippens' either. But I spent my time in Appalachia across the mountains in Gatlinburg.
Appalachian Vocabulary Test 16
Time for this month's Appalachian Vocabulary Test. Take it and see how you do: Hippens Hunker Hisn Hear tell Hesh up Hippens-diapers. "When you bring little Suzy over day after tomorrow, don't forget her hippens." Hunker-squat down, bend over. "Just hunker down right here behind this t...
That is hard. I hope if Sydney isn't in too much pain that you'll get to have your goodbye when you go back to visit.
Loving Sydney
In all my thoughts and posts and ruminations about what we leave behind when we move, I never mentioned our faithful dog, the seventh member of our family, Sydney. Sydney's been with us for ever so long - since before we even had any children. He was a great comfort to me when I was finishing...
FeltedKiwi is now following The Typepad Team
Feb 20, 2010
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