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Jesse Ferlianto
Canyon Country, CA
UCLA Anderson - MBA Class of 2012
Interests: Tennis, Swing Dancing, Board Games, Golf, Jazz & Classical Music
Recent Activity
Charlotte, do you have a photographer following you around campus during your daily runs? I knew you were a big deal, but this is another level! :)
The Sky is the Limit at UCLA Anderson!
Wow, so much going on at Anderson as always! This month is especially exciting for me, not because it is my birthday (which it is, but at my age you try to ignore them not acknowledge them), but because it is my WEDDING! That's right, while many of my classmates including Rikin Mantri and Rob Mi...
Jorge, what year did you graduate?
Since Graduation in June ...
Four years after enrolling at UCLA Anderson, and later UCLA School of Law, I graduated with a JD and an MBA. Immediately after graduation, I spent the summer studying for the CA bar examination. I took a brief break after that to visit Puerto Rico, before starting my new job as a regulatory cons...
Josh, are you coming back to C4C this year? Please say yes.
Challenge 4 Charity Weekend = Not Overrated
This past weekend I experienced one of the perks of going to an MBA program on the west coast - Challenge 4 Charity weekend in Palo Alto, CA! Stanford GSB hosted the incredible event - quite a logistical feat in and of itself. The two-day event features a comprehensive athletic competition invo...
Good stuff Mark.
There's No 'I' in Team... nor is there one in UCLA
A few weeks ago, the Vice President of Marketing on Nestle's ice cream brands came to campus for a recruiting event. Before the corporate presentation began, he approached a few of us and briefly introduced himself. He mentioned that Nestle recruits all over the country, but one of the biggest r...
Nice summary Matt. I was also in the DCC and agree with everything you summarized here. Good stuff.
The Facts of Life
"You take the good, You take the bad, You take them both and there you have the facts of life. The facts of life." Yes, if you're a child of the 80's like me you're probably already humming the song and thinking of Ms. Garrett, Tutti, and Blair. But why is an old TV theme song stuck in my head...
Jesse Ferlianto is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 10, 2010
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