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Lindsay Ferrier
Recent Activity
Good for you. Go for it! I have no doubt you'll be successful. Seriously. I can feel it.
Here Goes Nothing/Everything
Writing about writing is like movies about dancing about architecture. The second I begin I immediately cringe at the words I've chosen to group with those other words because it is writing about writing, so by God, it had better be good writing. This writing is about writing. It's writing about...
Awesome! I wonder if we don't all go through some form of this when we move to our first new town as adults. I know I did. Columbia, South Carolina. SHEESH. I had MAJOR culture shock when I first moved there.
Where my girls at.....
When I turned 5 or 6 or 7 (it's all a blur), I went with my parents to Furr's cafeteria. That was a Grey family tradition. You could get a square of fried cod with tartar sauce, a scoop of mashed potatoes, broccoli with cheese sauce, a roll, and all the water you could drink for 4.95. With fa...
I actually have a wonderfully warped reader whose only aim in coming to my site is to convince everyone that I am really a very bad writer because SHE doesn't get my JOKES and if I were a GOOD writer, EVERYONE would get my jokes, and WHY WON'T ANYONE ACKNOWLEDGE THIS???!!!!111!!!
I think that's pretty funny...
Where has all the funny gone?
Over the last few days I've noticed a startling trend on the internet that rather disturbs me. And no, it's not silly mothers letting their children fend for themselves for a few minutes so they can check their email. It's the fact that the interwebs, for the most part, have completely lost the...
No kidding! I think Jon must've had a breakdown or something. But the real question is how DOES he get all those women?! He's not exactly pleasing to the eye!
Why I am stalking Jon Gosselin
I know that Jon & Kate Plus 8, minus Jon, plus hair extensions is old news by now. This time last year, they were bringing in the big bucks for People, US Weekly, and Star. A year later, we are all kind of tired of the saga that was portrayed blow by blow on TLC and the news. It felt so icky, ...
Max and Rubeeeee. Ruby and Max. Max and Rubeeeeee. Ruby and Max.
Now you've done it. I'll be singing that in my head for the rest of the day. ;)
Infomercial Schmenfomercial
Apparently, I have been watching a lot of childrens television programming lately. I have the theme song to Max and Ruby stuck in my head. I am disgusted by Phineas and Ferb and their sneaky ways. I shout "NOTEBOOK" back to Steve(or Joe) from the other room, because they are waiting for me to...
Lindsay Ferrier is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 15, 2010
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