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I am a leaf on the wind. And I'm 15.
Interests: RPGs, playing bass, writing, writing short fiction, funk music
Recent Activity
Alright, I should have posted this earlier, or hinted about it or something, but I've not used my blog in a while. So here goes. I'm adapting the rules present in Tales of Future Past and making it a Space Western. Why? Because I love them and I wanted one... Continue reading
Posted Jul 18, 2010 at Makin' Games. I wanna do it.
Alright, so I won a Blog-Type Awardy thing. I'm very new to this blog thing, and I had planned on just using it for my game, anyway, but it seems I have no choice. So, on with the motley! 1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you... Continue reading
Posted Jun 19, 2010 at Makin' Games. I wanna do it.
Skills, as I've written them, do not work. It's actually really hard to narrow down a skill you want to 3 points. And I find myself of the GM just trying to hinder my characters. So I'm creating a real list of skills, and that should hopefully get my mind... Continue reading
Posted Jun 13, 2010 at Makin' Games. I wanna do it.
OK, the changes weren't that major. Now magic points and equipment only affects your dice pool, not your target number, and dice pools in general are much bigger. Without further ado, here's combat. --- Combat works simply. Roll one die, and add your Agility. Combat then progresses from the highest... Continue reading
Posted Jun 1, 2010 at Makin' Games. I wanna do it.
Magic in Tales of Future Past has 3 main rules. Magic works differently for everyone. Magic can replicate absolutely. Magic affects what exists, not what is presumed to exist. I'll describe these rules in more details, and then give a list of sample skills a character could have pertaining to... Continue reading
Posted May 30, 2010 at Makin' Games. I wanna do it.
fetfet50 is now following Zachary Quinto
May 29, 2010
fetfet50 is now following Oliver Widder
May 29, 2010
fetfet50 is now following michael ian black
May 29, 2010
fetfet50 is now following Wil
May 29, 2010
fetfet50 is now following Adam
May 29, 2010
fetfet50 is now following .tiff
May 29, 2010
So in my first installment of the only series I plan to do, I wrote out a set of rules, and the process for making a character. Hopefully you didn't hate it. To assist in your character creation, and to give you and me a better understanding of the world,... Continue reading
Posted May 29, 2010 at Makin' Games. I wanna do it.
Basic mechanics: Roll 10-sided dice (d10) equal to attribute / 2, rounded down. Target number based on skill. No training is 9 and 10, 1 point is 8+, 2 is 7+, 3 is 7+, with a reroll on 10. Each target number is 1 success. Alright, here's how it goes... Continue reading
Posted May 28, 2010 at Makin' Games. I wanna do it.
fetfet50 is now following The Typepad Team
May 28, 2010