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Recent Activity
I'm smitten by the Stargazer pattern and the scamper bundle!!!!
Lunden Designs + Birch Fabrics
So remember when I showed that sneak peek and hinted at a big giveaway?! Well, today is the day! One of my long-time blogging buddies, Melissa Lunden (she was in my first quilting bee and the first blogger I met "in real life") has released her first two quilt patterns. And as soon as I got ...
Cotton/silk sounds lovely!
Giveaways and Free Shipping Day reminder
Thanks to the many folks who entered the giveaway for a big ol' bundle of Patty Sloniger's Backyard Baby and Spoonflower fat quarters last week. The winner, selected by, was Annie Kitzman, a photographer and owner of Lolly Posh, an online children's clothing boutique. Conratulations...
Hey Shelley, thanks for highlighting my quilt. It was a great show with a lot of great quilts! Hope to see you back in Glens Falls in a couple of years!
June is Jumpin' At The WWHQS
Just getting around to posting pics from the Glen's Falls Quilter's Quild show we attended in Queensbury New York last weekend. Our booth set up went more quickly this time and again, we received tons of compliments on our setup as well as our merchandise! :D Here are some booth shots... Remem...
upstatelisa is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 9, 2011
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