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Debbie G.
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Hi Robin,
You can write this one..... I just re-worded what you had put for the three-fold purpose of the third post that wasnt posted. Did that make sense?? Silly me. Just know you can write it.
Actually, it was good for me to know others struggle with writing posts. I write and rewrite and delete and rearrange all the time. Ive found stopping and asking the Lord what Im supposed to convey most times helps bring some clarity. But other times it is a bit of a struggle to get what Im feeling or have experienced typed out. I usually just write like I would if I was having a conversation with a friend.
The main reason I started to blog is my desire to write about Finding Hope and Joy after the death of my Kyle Matthew. I want to glorify Him and encourage others. If you get a minute, feel free to stop by my little space at
Be blessed,
Debbie G.
Three for the price of one: a collection of thoughts on community
If ever I WISHED my (in)courage post could be a two-way conversation, it's now! As I process out loud in this space--and I beg your forgiveness in advance for its length--hearing your thoughts is what I most desire. If you've been reading (in)courage since its launch, can you believe how quic...
Your third post - each of the three purposes of that post hit the mark for me. I'd love for you to write a three part series on them.
I'd like to hear more of this one because:
I need to be encouraged to take time for my friends. I need to be reminded that God is at work through me when I take the time for others. And I need to find a balance of my time (that both me and hubby can live with) as I blog.
[In]Courage has meant so much to me this year! I've been blessed, encouraged, reminded over and over of God's love for me, and been inspired by other's faith during difficult circumstances in their lives. All of these things have helped to bring healing to my broken heart after my son's death.
Three for the price of one: a collection of thoughts on community
If ever I WISHED my (in)courage post could be a two-way conversation, it's now! As I process out loud in this space--and I beg your forgiveness in advance for its length--hearing your thoughts is what I most desire. If you've been reading (in)courage since its launch, can you believe how quic...
Southern Gal ~ I'll be praying for you to plan and follow through each day. To acomplish what needs to be done. I'll also pray for the Bausum family (I lost my son almost three years ago and can relate to their heartache).
My prayer request is for wisdom and direction about a possible job change.
How Can We Pray For You?
Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Jesus says, "Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life... Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." Matthew 11:28-30 ...
Actually, I was one of those who "just didn't get it". Than I started reading here at [in]courage and than finally started my own blog in January.
I love blog land! And over the last seven months have connected with a few others. Not a "community" yet, but it's a start.
Community Online?
Some people don't get it. They don't get my fascination with communicating in 140 characters. They don't get what compels me to expose my most intimate struggles, dreams, and fears on a blog. They don't get my motivation for allowing strangers to become followers and friends. No. Some people don...
It took me a while to choose from all the beautiful designs. But with some help from hubby this is what we picked. Even after over 35 years our favorite place to be is "together".
30 Days of Giveaways! 25
Congrats to Loo-la-bee Simplicity for winning the Everyday Faith cross by Studio JRU! We're all about creativity on (in)courage. And we LOVE seeing all the fun ways you're creative too. So today we're giving you the chance to design (and win) your own custom frame from Studio Danielson! J...
I also would like to learn how to quilt. Thinking of trying to make a rag quilt from my son's shirts as a memory quilt. My son's best friend passed three months after he did. So it would be great to make one for his mom, too.
12 New Things
My first loaf of homemade bread, using a bread machine She sat across from me on the couch, carrying a tiny little baby in the dark, warm room where babies grow before they meet the light of their new world. Six more months before that precious one will arrive. She also has a baby that sits...
Today I needed this post. I too hate confrontation. I too needed to make a phone call. Nothing tragic or terrible, but I did need to speak the truth in love and perhaps disapoint my friend. So God used this post to help give me courage to make that phone call. He gave me the words to say. I will follow up with a card and hopefully after the disapointment fades our friendship will go on.
The Phone Call: Dial F For Faith
"God has not called me to be successful; He has called me to be faithful." ~ Mother Teresa I couldn't sleep. I got up, ate some pretzels and rummaged for something under a 100 calories. I gave up. I took a frozen bagel out of the freezer and toasted it with some butter and jam. I always thin...
Hi Cate,
I am so glad to see a new post.... but, sad that you won't be posting for a while.
If I may say something.... I LOVE YOUR blog! This post is wonderful, funny, and sweet. I am fairly new to blog land and my favorite blogs are ones that are from the heart, funny and use everyday stuff to highlight a truth about the Lord and His word. And ones that make me feel like I'm having a conversation with the blogger. :)
FYI- There are some great sites online and books if you need help with navigating your blog and blog land. I am a bit of a perfectionist myself so I read and reread my posts and actually go to an online dictionary to check my spelling and then edit and reedit .... Whew! It can be tiring can't it. But I do enjoy it! I really hope you will not give up. Remember why you started to blog.... and keep at it. I feel you have some good stuff to share. So, hope to see another post soon, but when you're ready.
Love ya sweet friend,
I'm Not REALLY A Perfectionist....
Ok, here's the real truth, no big deal.....but I'm not happy with my blog. The posts I have written have been written quickly and I did not take time to edit ( because I don't know how to edit on typepad, yet), so I'm posting things that aren't "fittin" for a writer, i.e., run on sentences, miss...
This post creates an absolutely beautiful picture and reminder of His love for us. This is how I want to live the rest of my life --- dancing in the arms of Jesus. Thank you for putting it into words for me!
God-sized dreams...always lead us back to His heart
All of these dreams swirl around me and I wonder... Will they come true? What about that one? What should I do about this one? And then I hear something within my heart, a whisper laced with a smile, perhaps even divine delight... Just a few dances, sweet girl, just a few dances then I'll take ...
This is such an awesome post! "I only need what He has taught me: To hope in Him. To love Him and to love others. To trust that, regardless of circumstances, He has given me all I need in order to jump any hurdle life puts on my path." All I can say is "Amen!!" and thank you for sharing your life with us so openly... it's inspiring. To be honest this week I've wanted to take a turn sitting on the sidelines, but not after reading this... so, I'm brushing myself off and getting back in the race. Praying for you (my little way of running the race beside you) {{Hug}} ~Debbie G.
Stutter Steps
I ran hurdles in high school. My favorite was the 100 hurdle relay. Coach trained me to be a three stepper and a four stepper. When you are a three stepper, it means you take three steps between the hurdles and always jump with the same leg going over. When you are a four stepper, it means y...
Wow - what a question to ponder first thing this morning.... I guess after my son died I realized that miracles don't always happen, even when you pray with all your heart. So I believe in a great and loving God who can perform miracles, but who in His wisdom doesn't always choose to. And for me the final miracle will be seeing Jesus face to face and seeing my son again someday.
Never Been Kissed
"Let your religion be less of a theory and more of a love affair." ~ G.K. Chesterton I don't know if dogs and cats dream of getting their first kisses, but one thing's for sure, humans are different. I remember wanting my first kiss so badly, I thought I was going to die waiting. I did not wa...
It is years since I had to deal with the whole potty training issue. But this post still so touched my heart. I needed to be reminded of God's love and how He sees me and not the dirt I sometimes get covered in as I walk through this life. Thank you for reminding me that He loves messy & dirty ME!
What He sees
For the past month, my life has been largely consumed with matters of the . . . potty. If you don’t count the Pull-Ups at night, my daughter has been diaper-free for four weeks now, and she rarely even has an accident. (Of course, this is partly due to her fascination with finding – and try...
Thank you! For being you. For sharing your life with us in an honest and real way. Thank you!
Trial Personified
I received Angie’s new book, I Will Carry You, in the mail back in April. I had pre-ordered it, so when it arrived it was like opening a Christmas present I didn’t know I was getting. I really thought I would start reading the minute I got it in my hands, but I had a few things for my blog to ...
Debbie G. is now following Cate Tuten
May 27, 2010
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May 27, 2010
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