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andrea fletcher
my new nest
starting over ......
Recent Activity
Hi Teresa!
I just purchased 3 of your classes - and i am in HEAVEN! they are all amazing - thankyou! I am also doing the Soul Restoration class - what a fantastic class!!!!! I love your 'truth cards' tags and if you have more in your gallery in soul restoration class can you please request me as a friend - andrea bilich, because i couldnt find your name in the members list!
have a lovely day, take care, andrea xx
The Tags
Thought I'd share a few things I've been working on lately. I've been really into the layering and the colors! It's been much warmer here lately, and I know it's not Spring, yet, but it's close. This tag reminds me of the natural, subtle colors of Spring. Then I get all crazy and ...
I so hear you Stephanie, i have a 8, 9, 15 and 17 year old - my two youngest are 16 months apart - having them so close together the days and years ran into each other and then before you know it they are 'big' it breaks my heart, because indeed it is now a 'blur' - my sister has a 1year old and a 3 and 4 year old and is struggling to cope - i told her this time of her life is like being in a tornado and then suddenly you are thrust out of the tornado and the kids are 'easier and older' and you wonder how you survived!! Just wanted to add - my kids are from two different marriages - 2 from each, and i got divorced both times when the kids were young - having a husband - J - is a blessing so you can BOTH remember and talk about the days when the kids were young - i miss the chance to be able to sit together at graduations etc and "remember when they were so little"
you and your family are delightful - I 'heart' Stephanie Howell!
hugs from Andrea in Australia! xx
holding on tight.
the one thing you hear about having twins, or little ones that are close in age is that the first years are a blur. things are very blurry around here these days. fuzzy around the edges. a fast moving blur of bottles and baths and ponytails. a loud mix of "MOMMY" and "I NEED YOU" and cries ...
yes please to instructions being available!
atc club...
i am going to be starting a new monthly ATC (Artist Trading Card) club at the studio beginning January 11, 2011. each month we will create 4 ATC's. you can choose to trade them, display them (i just ordered the cutest atc mats to frame them, love!), or keep them all to yourself! i will be addi...
transformation Continue reading
Posted Dec 9, 2010 at starting over .......
andrea fletcher is now following Account Deleted
Oct 31, 2010
gary has a cash buyer ....
having a home open tomorrow at 1.45pm - i cried when he rang to tell me ..... Continue reading
Posted Oct 26, 2010 at starting over .......
he has the capability to destroy me emotionally......
to make me drop to my knees and beg the universe what have i done to deserve this man in my life, thank god its nearly over, until he must release his hold over me, he will cling on tighter... Continue reading
Posted Oct 24, 2010 at starting over .......
andrea fletcher has shared their blog starting over .......
Aug 23, 2010
andrea fletcher is now following Cartwheels In My Mind
Jun 27, 2010
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